Sunday, March 6, 2011

Train Directions Charels Playhouse


Tenerife Demarcation of the College of Architects of the Canary Islands and Saavedra Llanos Díaz, architects
English architects and their professional organizations, the architects' associations, are going through a phase of intense crisis. The architecture is a service activity, directly related to the construction sector, the economic environment is suffering particularly the problem of general lack of funding affecting the country. And with that, the architects' associations, those institutions corporate who had been on a mission over decades, have been pushed to meet a profound reform that conforms to this new and difficult situation.

Many weekends, including Sundays, I devote my time to think and try to learn about experiences related to the profession of architecture. That is, in my supposed free time I dedicate to reading and analyzing information about this occupation that I love and fun years of my life. Recently, in addition, this match that I have assumed the role of representing a broad group of architects, and try to help improve de nuestra estructura común, presidiendo la Demarcación de Tenerife del Colegio de Arquitectos de Canarias
Por eso, en los últimos tiempos intento escudriñar ideas que puedan aclarar cual es el papel que la sociedad nos está queriendo reasignar en estos momentos de cambio. Algo que me ha interesado últimamente a este respecto, es la rica puesta en común de reflexiones que ofrece ese espacio de Internet orientado a los profesionales que es Linked In . Ahí he tenido oportunidad de asistir y participar en algunos grupos y debates que pretenden deliberar conjuntamente sobre el futuro de la arquitectura en nuestro país. Recomendaría especialmente dos, el que se denomina bsA (Rethinking Architecture) and entitled Architects entrepreneurs, encouraged by people as motivated as Jose Javier Quintana, Germain Cintas, Francisco Javier Clemente and Cobreros, among many other architects interested in better performance of the profession.
In one of those forums also involved a Catalan architect, Jordi Farran-I did not know, which is particularly associated with the analysis of the forms of organization and collective problems of the architects. Following the thread beyond the debates of Linked In I had access to her personal blog and that presents some very challenging ideas about what are the objectives as a professional organization for architects in Spain should have, now and for the future. The contributions have led Farrando on its own page group held an extensive exchange of views, which have enriched somehow their initial thoughts in a discussion at least, enlightening.
Association Headquarters Architects of Seville. Ruiz Cabrero and Perea, architects
Inspired by the collective effort I tried to extract and organize those ideas. And because I will dare to present them here, in my personal interpretation, as a potential targets for renewal of these professional institutions, which we have been obliged to work to incorporate the vast majority of architects in Spain over the last century.
Firstly no choice but to recognize both his detractors and their enthusiasts, the Association of Architects still remain in this country, social responsibility extends, facing government and society, as public corporations legally recognized. A commitment that has been pursued over a long time, dating back to 1931, and again endorsed by the recent Royal Decree 1000/2010 on college visa mandatory.
could consider that a renewed Architectural Association, as in the past, could be aimed at four basic tasks: improving the organization and collective representation, the universal promotion of professional activity, the dissemination of social contribution and cultural architecture, and finally, the contribution to the public interest in matters related to this profession.
Expanding beyond these core goals, we could frame a multitude of activities and efforts, among which would highlight the following list of tasks:
Vigo College of Architects of Galicia. Architects: Iris and Piñera
- Implement and improve the professional qualification form to determine which individuals are effectively trained to perform the tasks by the existence of accurate records and the corresponding control assurance capacity.
- Ensuring the protection of the profession through ethics and legal mechanisms needed to secure a proper technical exercise eligible members.
- Improving standards in performing their own work related to architecture and urban planning, encouraging the development of common procedures and the execution of repetitive processes.
- Help establish the minimum requirements and form of administrative control must meet professional jobs so they can effectively serve its mandate under appropriate conditions.
- Establish a sustainable economic and financial structures and profitable in college organizations, with a measurable performance requirements and compensation of their workers based on numerically testable objectives.
- Creating a corporate image and brand college community which fosters the prestige of the profession and its social presence and to establish from the generation of an appropriate communication policy.
- Improve and expand the role of architects in the professional services market, especially in the construction sector and related activities.
- Investigate and identify new potential niche occupation that serve to redirect and take back the performance of architects.
- Promote the development of this professional group, through better organization, encouragement of technical capacity, expertise and openness to international markets.
- Strengthen the training process, innovation and continuous renewal of skills and expertise among the group integrated into the collegial structures
- Get a fair return to work by promoting the appropriate fees or salaries effort to run.
- To defend the collective interests of architects, related to the economy of the offices and the specific law that affects them.
-Stimulating knowledge and professional organizational innovation, fostering new business initiatives and / or associative complex and highly structured.

See the College of Architects of Catalonia in Barcelona
- Encourage the transfer and dialogue between sensitivities between the professional disciplines of architecture and related.
- Promote the social role of the architects with their constant participation in collective debates that concern the whole of society and are related to the profession.
- defend the professional interests of ensuring a social knowledge specific disciplinary positions.
- spur the cultural character of the architecture, which put an emphasis on disseminating the ideas of architects and their artistic collaboration social development
- To establish a proper dialogue with public administrations considerations capable of delivering the group in relation to issues that affect them.
- Build public awareness campaigns to interpret are the advantages and contributions made by architects to the value added of the construction industry, particularly in construction and urban planning.
- Stimulate the existence of administrative machinery to ensure maximum efficiency in providing public services related to architecture, urbanism and construction, defense of its future users.
- Ensure the protection of consumers of products of architecture, is required to ensure that practitioners meet minimum capacity requirements and their work have appropriate technical competence and quality suitable to meet the purpose intended.
- Collaborate with public alternative to a possible oversight of projects and works to fulfill the technical requirements necessary and to consider legally enforceable, urban and industry.

Model of the new headquarters of the Association of Architects Madrid
Finally, beyond these global corporate objectives, I think that current structures need to evolve in several different directions, segmenting this large cluster of tasks. It is possible that the current situation in which schools take most of the above issues are identified, can lead to various types of institutions.
On one hand, some organizations dedicated to the control of the professional qualifications, the capacity control and ethics for its members, another group of institutions as trade unions, aimed at rendering and defending the professional interests of technical groups, and thirdly, corporations that address the educational, cultural and innovation. The first type of component organizations assume the public, those related to the state and administration, while the other two might be specific or interdisciplinary, in relation to other professions and groups with common interests.
is also possible that the harassment experienced in our days, which is exercised from the political institutions themselves, leading to a complete deregulation of professional practice. Thus, control of construction and architecture would be made exclusively from the technical services of local and state agencies under. Something that obviously are not adequately prepared at this time. The situation would be quite complicated and involve a significant deterioration of the building sector in our cities and increasing marginalization of the social role of professionals and their representative structures and cooperative .--->


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