Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Black Tea For Stomach Flu


Antiqva Photo

That morning the sky was overcast and the sun did as best they could to reach the earth with its rays. Watching the clouds, while walking, I noticed something that caught my attention. His digital machine by hand, so I shot some photographs.

If you look at this picture, technically mediocre because it focuses directly at the sun, you will appreciate that in its central rays are descending defining the shape of an ethereal pyramid.

Here is the idea that informed the best-known funerary monuments of the Egyptians adopted, almost 5,000 years ago, the pyramidal shape. To the people of the Nile valley was the primeval God Atum, who identified with the Sun (Ra) when it is expressed in humans. Linked to the Egyptians worship the sun rose pyramids that would allow the Pharaohs, once passed away, ascend to the Celestial Kingdom. The pyramids were "machines" that allowed the ascension of King's spirit on a journey that would culminate solar when integrated with the One who created them.

In an ancient Egyptian text, known today as "The Story of Sinuhe", we hear that process has to happen after death:

"In the thirtieth year of his reign, in the third month flood on the seventh day, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Sehetepibra, god, rose to its horizon. The god flew to heaven to join with Atum, the divine body joined with the Creator. The Residence (royal palace) was quiet and the hearts were in mourning ... "

The Egyptians long ago, repaired in ese aspecto piramidal de los rayos del Sol desparramándose sobre la tierra y decidieron emprender la construcción de pirámides cuya cúspide estaba coronada por una piedra revestida con planchas de oro o bronce (el piramidión) que despedía un brillo intenso, símbolo del propio fulgor del Sol.


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