Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Church Welcome Kit


Image: Antiqva

Alice spent most of the time living in a world of imaginary beings and Mr. Bones was drawn to this world become your partner in co-star in the main male character. On Saturdays and Sundays are dedicated to those crazy improvisations. Tea was attended by the Baroness Castle Dunwitty, a great conspiracy, but dangerous and Machiavellian, to take over the kingdom of Floriani. There was an earthquake in Mexico. Hurricane was the Rock of Gibraltar, and there was a wreck that left the island lost in Nemo, where the only food were acorns and buds of plants, but if it were the magic worm who lived almost at ground and ate it a snack, would be given the gift of flight. (Mr. Bones swallowed the worm that she gave him, and then, with Alice holding onto its back, went flying and the two fled the island.)

Paul Auster, Timbuktu


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