Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jenna Jameson & Jewel De'nyle


Headquarters Company SA 1998 Circle of Granadilla
enter This week my friend and colleague Maria Isabel Correa (Correa and Estévez of , Architects) as a full member of the Architecture section of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Canaria. This is an excerpt from the speech of welcome that I have prepared for the event.

many years, Maria Isabel Correa is a distinguished professional to achieve a welcoming architecture in a way that seems simple, but which incorporates an immense amount that we are not able to discern at first sight. However, what is already quite remarkable is the high quality of execution that have all their buildings.
One of the most admirable qualities is its ability Maribel Correa para empatizar con aquellos que deben ejecutar sus órdenes. Porque la arquitectura es una disciplina que no depende del esfuerzo de una única persona, sino que es el resultado de la intervención de múltiples operadores y artesanos, cada uno con sus objetivos y su experiencia personal de trabajo. Ella consigue lo que otros no podemos hacer tan eficazmente: involucrar a casi todos los que intervienen en el esfuerzo común para lograr edificios de magnífica factura.
Más valiosa aún es su gran profesionalidad, su capacidad para entender las necesidades reales de aquellos a los que aporta su arte. Sobre todo, si observamos que vivimos en una época en la que impera una concepción económica mal entendida. Technical and artistic performance linked to trade and production work with the sole objective of maximum profit, and in which artistic reasons or merely the quality of the architecture are values \u200b\u200bthat are often not interested really beyond mere window-dressing or advertising.
Two early works, they get two separate Oraá Architecture Awards Canaria, open up the hugely successful career of this architect in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the early 80's.

Correa García and Commercial building. The Mayorazgo, 1984
are, first, the seat of Garcia and Correa, 1985, a bright building in which he expresses the concern to achieve the best functional conditions in a constrained and boxed interior is the result of the potential the plot. When you visit this space that impresses is the sheer effort that is provided with an invoice careful and neat to get a simple resonant space and light as a basilica.
And secondly, the reform of the Circle of Fine Arts in 1986 in the central street of the Castle, which is another early work in which and wisely condense some methodological and formal action by Maribel Strap: Here, there is a solution that frees the space debris and clarify its functional organization scheduled a tour, also generate attractive and versatile new venues, using a simple and wise use of materials, refined details and a Decorative top right. The success of this intervention proved by its continued use for multiple events and exhibitions over the past twenty years.
could be established that the seat of Garcia and Correa and the reform of the Circle of Fine Arts, are still work in the wake of the PER study, almost a natural extension in the key states that stylistic Maribel Correa y formales muy de la época. Ambos trabajos son herederos todavía de los resabios formales de sus mentores. Son obras teñidas de aquella idea de la arquitectura postmoderna imperante a comienzos de los años 80 en la que, estilísticamente, había que hacer -de alguna manera- un homenaje a la arquitectura de corte neohistoricista anterior al Movimiento Moderno que ocupó casi la totalidad del siglo XX. &nbsp;
Croquis representativo de la idea compositiva del edificio Múltiples II. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1988 &nbsp;
Unos recursos compositivos y formales diferentes en el entendimiento de los sitios surgirían in 1993, when Correa and Estévez and together, face the administrative building project for the government of the Canary Islands, known as Multiple II, located at the beginning of the expansion of the city of Santa Cruz. The effort would focus there on the definition of a monumental entries most representative of the city. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work was supported by a formal expression, in which a central circular tower and a composition of horizontal bands give an adequate response to the expectations of the place. Here are consciously or unconsciously resort to the example of some works and drawings of Erich Mendelsohn German as the stores Schockem of Chemnitz, a dual strategy volumetric corner then they would allow also the approach made to the contest winner of the Audiencia Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 2007.

Multiple II in the building occurs for the first time this strategy will distinguish them in many later works, which refers to an integration architecture extends to produce a result of high refinement and durability: I mean considerations such as the provision of highly functional spaces, a splendid constructive definition, along with the exquisite care of the interior and the incorporation of other art forms. In that case, inserting a smart piece of sculpture in the central courtyard space that enriches.
Something similar happens with the seat of the Cabildo de La Gomera. A work of 1997 that cares about providing an auction respectful to the environment in which lies the historic Torre del Conde, which falls in some way. This building monochrome, with its coating of red tufa stone island, offers a most fitting backdrop for the enhancement of defensive piece that defines the beginning of the colonization of the archipelago. El Cabildo de La Gomera responds to monumental and representative must be the main institution of government in that island, solving the while the functional requirements and administrative capacities.
In that same year, 1997, Correa and Estevez started a cycle of works related to the reinterpretation of the architectural legacy, a way in which these architects have offered a master sample doubt. Probably, this has served to the great wealth of knowledge and love constructive ways and means of vernacular architecture that gave them their passage through the School of Surveyors of La Laguna, before the beginning of a career in architecture.

Rehabilitation Cabrera Pinto cultural space. La Laguna, 1992
El primero de ellos, la rehabilitación del Instituto Cabrera Pinto de la ciudad de La Laguna, es una obra que estuvo sujeta a múltiples tensiones derivadas de su carácter patrimonial señero en ese casco histórico fundacional. El resultado final es una obra muy representativa de un momento cultural concreto.
Allí se transformó un edificio que había sufrido innumerables intervenciones negativas, en un conjunto de espacios limpios que recuperaban brillantemente las esencias espaciales y constructivas del pasado y, al mismo tiempo, se mejoraría su confort para un uso diferente al original. Los mejores edificios son capaces de adaptarse a lo largo de las generaciones y, en este caso, el antiguo convento de San Agustín ha pasado a convertirse en un recinto cultural esencial para la isla de Tenerife, aportando la magia de conservar sus patios centrales y la aparición de nuevas interpretaciones espaciales en sus interesantes interiores.
Otra obra más reciente que continuaría las ideas y esfuerzos aportados a la conservación del patrimonio histórico es, la restauración del antiguo Hospital de Dolores para nueva biblioteca de La Laguna. Allí se ha producido una conservación impecable de los valores históricos y culturales lográndose también introducir nuevos usos y servicios sin violentar ni la estructura espacial preexistente ni los sistemas constructivos tradicionales. El mayor éxito de esa intervención ha sido la forma en que se han integrado los servicios e instalaciones técnicas necesarias, simple y eficientemente, y sin que constituyan un impedimento a la percepción de la auténtica arquitectura heredada.
&nbsp; Escultura Trampa de viento de&nbsp;Juan López Salvador. Las Américas, 1998
Años después se terminaría una de las mejores obras de estos arquitectos. En mi opinión, ese es el proyecto para las oficinas de la empresa rectora del Polígono de Granadilla en el sur de Tenerife, un trabajo which shows an exquisite sensitivity to landscape around it. In this work, the team Maribel Correa uses natural materials instead for a reconfiguration of some constructive strategies of our ancestors in a contemporary.
That building site plays better exploiting the landscaping of the site. Here we study the orientation of natural elements, sun, wind, the visual landscape, etc. together with the definition of a draft horse space between the inside and the outside getting some great representative and working environments. All complemented by some interesting interventions sculptures and garden, very suitable for a place of extreme aridity.
Something similar happens in the great reform carried out in the promenade of the resort of Las Americas. In the border between sea and land, is made efficient debugging pedestrian accessibility and simple arrangement of floor and furniture, drastically improving the collective enjoyment of the place. There is also sensitively introduces one of the most brilliant pieces of sculpture that has recently made in a public area of \u200b\u200bthis island, called Wind Trap sculptor Juan López Salvador .
In 2002, Correa y Estévez realizan el acondicionamiento de los espacios interiores representativos y de oficinas de la monumental Casa de los Capitanes en la ciudad de La Laguna; un espacio previamente rehabilitado. En ese trabajo se muestra nuevamente la habilidad que este equipo tiene para mejorar el resultado en el remate sensible de los edificios. La selección, disposición e integración de piezas de mobiliario, iluminación y complementos es en este caso muy acogedora y excelente sin renunciar al empleo de elementos plenamente contemporáneos. &nbsp;
&nbsp; Interiorismo de la Casas de los Capitanes para las oficinas de la Alcaldía de La Laguna. 2001
I bring it up because in the Canaries is a question that is often relegated to the background and interventions and public works are often done very badly. However, in the case of most buildings these architects, this is achieved by combining essential complement in a natural way, greatly improving the overall aesthetic quality and the final bill of space. Although it seems a minor effort, the provision of advice to users in the final stage in dealing with buildings, is essential for success and impeccable maintenance of the architecture later
Maria Isabel Correa represents a forma de hacer que ha ejercido ya una indudable influencia sobre las generaciones siguientes, lo que se nota en el trabajo de otros muchos arquitectos canarios que han seguido sus proyectos y han aprendido con su obra una manera de hacer de alta calidad de elaboración.
En una época en que los arquitectos experimentamos un vértigo de cambios sin igual y en la que también nos sentimos agobiados por una multitud de exigencias sin parangón en el pasado, es reconfortante valorar el esfuerzo de personas como María Isabel Correa y el conjunto de todos aquellos que la ayudan a realizar esa arquitectura de extraordinaria calidad.

Patio interior Multiple Building II. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1988 --->


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