Monday, November 29, 2010

Boat Horn For My Truck


To read the full article click on: " 10 things you should know about screenwriting "
Sam Scribner's

- 10. People with less education you have had more success in this business
- 9. Properly format your script
- 8. Do not be too bright
- 7. The dialogue is like gold, spend it wisely
- 6. Conflict, conflict, conflict
- 5. You have 10 pages to impress your audience
- 4. Write each scene on a card
9 x 15 - 3. Knows the end of the story before even starting to write
- 2. Be able to describe your story in 25 words or less
- 1. And the first thing you should know about scripts: Tickle the left brain ...


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