Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Ares Some Stuff U Can Use Fro Masterbation


Private residential Bonita Springs, Florida. Image:

recent widespread dissemination of machines for handling all types of data has introduced the possibility of an orderly structure any system that involves the massive use of information. Therefore, also the design of mechanisms for management and automated access to spatial information has become the next challenge for urban planning and in general for land management in the field of public administration.

A systematic spatial adapted to their management through computer applications today is a major challenge for the government of the territory in the advanced countries. However, in a general way, are still using inadequate tools for the control and management of this massive information associated with land use and land use. It would appear that administrative inertia were a burden difficult to overcome in this field.
In countries like Spain, for example, the legal control of the territory has traditionally relied registration of urban property and rustic, the land taxes related to partners and, more recently, through specific planning instruments to facilitate the administration in the municipal area. This is the case of general and partial plans of management, which usually not exceed a defined level of instrumental and basic document for the possible computerized traffic management private land.
registration bases are an essential tool for the management of private transfers ownership of the land while the land cadastre is a tool linked to public finance that allows the state to allocate tax to the ground in a fair, in taking into account the actual possession of each. Both tools are essential to allow these private goods traffic on proven and reliable basis and therefore, access other services that rely on the property relating to property, such as financial. In many countries, both the records of the property and the land are nonexistent or unreliable, and that fact is a significant deficit for the social development of the territories, as they have understood some. There are already some altruistic efforts that seek to contribute to developing this type of collective services in an efficient and reliable. This is the case Institute for Liberty and Democracy that from Peru promotes more efficient and honest system to extend the guarantees on the rights of land ownership among the poor and disadvantaged.
Cadastral Parcel in the Eixample district in the city Barcelona. Source: BCN Pic
property records and public land services are, in themselves, examples of regional databases, essential for proper management of the soil. That is, the collection lasting, steady and reliable data on the distribution of land ownership can act with the minimum conditions of security. This task has traditionally been held in written records and other analog systems in nature that take into account the reference and cartographic maps of a nominal way. Today, the availability of advanced digital mapping allows associate those databases on land ownership in identifying precise geometry of each plot. In many places it has already developed the huge task of transferring the information collected on the ground to cartographic approved. A major problem is usually presented is the dump information using diverse cartographic references and maps, which have no unit approval, making disparate and incompatible new data layers drawn with other concerned.
PGO urban zoning of Lerida. 2005. Urban Review No. 13
In regard to instruments related to the planning discipline that have been incorporated into land management since the mid-nineteenth century, the tools have not evolved according to the capabilities available now, computer and digital character. Today, it continues to project massive land use and urbanization using ideas, concepts, and tools from the ways and methods inherited from the past.
But is that there are contradictions and overlaps that prevent clarify the purpose and scope of technical and administrative tools. As an example, the English space law, from the second half of the twentieth century, has designed the master plans of management as a desirable advance of urban development in the various municipal districts. The plan would establish a diagnosis and objectives to decide the best option for the provision of new residential and economic areas based on a preliminary analysis of the various components that may have an influence on the growth of cities (geographical, economic, demographic, etc.).. Alongside this, the planning instrument would also define the elements that ensure proper functionality and structure as a whole, new roads, provisions group, etc.; also would provide a basic definition of the terms of use and exploitation of the various areas tidy.
A very weak and questionable to ensure proper planning which in turn guide the development of urbanization while also comply with the task of determining the scope of property rights in different parts of soil that make up a municipality. With this dual responsibility to plan fails in anticipating future developments and it also fails as a management tool, designed to collaterally assign new urban land use. Therefore, the English urban system has degenerated over time into a quagmire of petty corruption and arbitrariness that weigh negatively territorial future of this country.
Worse, during the years in Spain, town planning and associated instruments have been gradually abandoning the planner component to become almost exclusively on mechanisms for the allocation of new uses and exploitation of certain parts Selected soil in an irrational and random. This process of administrative allocation of use is a source of enrichment not only notable production costs. Revaluations are specified in a surplus over urban generated virtually from scratch. A kind of contemporary philosopher's stone being searched hard for owners of land monopoly and its partners needed. Here, as in many other places, the mere classification of a floor area as urban or urbanized of the generation of huge income, a fact which is at the foundation of the attractive real estate speculation with the territory. Is this a glitch mechanism in the lee of the growth of cities, which are the result of collective effort but, based on which private operators strenuously try to appropriate this new wealth, with the collateral consequences fraud countless technical and administrative also supported politically in many cases. Speculation on the ground is not a new situation, but which over two hundred years of experience planning has failed to establish adequate control.
Until you change these legal conditions that support the processes of urbanization in our country, the only way to combat this private ownership, improper and excessive, income can only be the establishment of maximum transparency with precise definition of these gains to try the maximum return to the community of wealth. And here are beginning to have a fundamental role digital public systems, geographical and territorial, based on massive information on the ground. The construction of urban databases, easily accessible by the universal query would have a collective and more efficient control of urban development. And with that, arguments for a better collective reversion to the public sphere of capital gains.

id all registered property on the island of Tenerife on public maps approved. Geographic Information System Network Canary public company GRAFCAN
A technical tool to collaborate effectively in the preceding business objective is providing the tools called geographic information systems and software based on widely available. One such system is a set of digital resources that enable an adequate exploitation of spatially mapped data. With them, you can do complex analysis on the geographic and spatial distribution of different issues territorial equivalent. For example, population distribution, nature and environmental richness of forest soils, etc. In recent years this simple method of assigning specific spatial data has led to an exponential explosion of the use and exploitation of spatial information available. Just remember what they mean tools like Google Earth or Maps to understand the scope of the change.
But is that the incorporation of urban planning and spatial geographic information systems allow easy access and almost immediate information on the ground. Once constructed the spatial database, available on the Internet does not require great efforts. Moreover the construction of a database-oriented urban to its daily management could allow any transformation or change in land use and land use could be reflected in a short period of time.
Taken to its extreme, this digital information systems in the network could provide a method of transmitting that knowledge essential to the community concerning land management and government in the growth of urbanization. A difficult instrument dark action of those who seek to gain advantage in precisely this privileged information today is restricted to urban planning departments linked to the municipalities.
Favela en la costa de Río de Janeiro. Foto: J.K. Johnson, Flickr--->


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