Monday, October 18, 2010

Large Flatbed Scanning Service

Pencil, an everyday tool

Generally, we do not usually set in the crowd of familiar instruments that accompany us in our daily lives. Often, its existence for granted, as something common, and occurred as part of our staff with vast natural landscape.

One such tool is known pencil, a tool that helps us express ourselves on a daily basis, both through drawing and writing from personal. How many billions of ideas will flow from the tips of graphite as an almost spontaneous extension of our thinking? How many millions of pictures of wonderful things have magically appeared on paper as a result of your application?
The pen has accompanied mankind for several hundred years now. A force of habit has become a tool that does not usually pay any attention, because it tends to be omnipresent. To write, draw, write reminders, to calculate, to scratch, for ...
This little gadget escort us in this multitude of daily tasks as an extension of the hand, extending our thinking and leaving a trace of our passage through the world. However, an idea was born conceptually very simple: to protect an area with weak wood, graphite, in order to manipulate and use it to create all sorts of lines and patterns and, of course, generate the graphical system excellent communication, writing .

Surely, pencil emerge in a very different way as innovation is seen today, a time when we suffered with stoicism saturation speeches full of vacuous verbal games. Innovation strategy related to this important effort to advance and improve ourselves collectively, has been invariably buried under the avalanche of words, making truly innovative ideas are at risk of being lost in a soup of inconsistencies and gaps. I mean those presentations with stun us pundits and politicians of all stripes, which are full of acronyms invented untranslatable (as I + D + i) and end up being used as mantras to fool with the empty plot and nothing. Today, in countries advanced conditions are difficult to come up with simple things like that can make a pencil.

But true innovation probably every day when we all reflect on our work and we ask a simple way how we can simplify and improve what initially appears to be complex. Also when we run the mill in the smallest things simple so that they can produce in a different way. What happened to the pencil along the story is a shining example of this.

The pen is a stylus instrument heir to the Roman from Egypt or Mesopotamia. It was a metal spike that marked the clay or wax tablets for writing. According to Jeremy Rifkin, primitive agricultural societies had to organize more complex for large scale production of crops. An effort that involved the expertise of thousands of workers to develop hydraulic technology that supported the irrigation and with it, devising a system to allow control of common work and efficient communications. The invention of writing marked by this immense leap in the history of mankind relied on tools that have then been to over the millennia as the stylus pens that would precede our contemporaries.

The etymology of the word pen is tracked in the Latin language and its meaning is related to the stone. Indeed, graphite, which is its main ingredient, fat is a stone that leaves a dark trace on many surfaces. This quality allows its use directly as a mechanism for drawing and writing staff.
pencil English English also refers to a small brush used for writing before the discovery of graphite in the sixteenth century. The new tool that would arise from the invention of the pen also inherit their customary name the name of those writing brushes used in earlier Anglo-Saxon countries.
The largest deposit of graphite was discovered in Borrowdale, England in 1665 and its initial applications were related to the molds for the manufacture of guns because of its excellent purity. This condition made her have a strategic character and its direct control by the English crown. According to historical account information provided by the Cumberland Pencil Museum, the legend says that a violent storm brought to light the roots of trees covered by a strange black material. This material would appear to be graphite I begin to use the shepherds to mark their sheep.
however, was in Italy where there was innovation that would define the technical basis of the instrument: a piece of wood coated graphite for better handling and control. At first it seems to be hollowed sticks to enter the mineral and bars, and subsequently end up carving two symmetrical semicircular pieces of wood in the solution finally encolarían standardized. This is the manufacturing technology that has remained virtually unchanged until today.
The extent of use throughout Europe in the centuries XVII and XVIII, and other impurities from continental deposits discovered later, forced to grind the material and its reconstitution and hardening clay. A mixture that arises from the need in France during the Napoleonic wars. The inspiration for this new innovation is at the beginning of one of the brands of such gadgets, Nicholas Conte. An engineer who established the ratio between the two materials and the creation of a code from the resultant hardness is the basis of common identification system.

mid-century XVII, Lothar von Faber begin a dynasty of German craftsmen, manufacturers of pencils. Von Faber Pencil add other simple innovations. For example, the hexagonal shape of the part to facilitate a better routine use. The laterally flattened cylindrical shape could eliminate the pencils rodasen the tables and ended up losing easily. But Faber, and then mark that would follow, Faber-Castell, provided that not only improves but set rules for the standardization of size, thickness and degree to which they are accustomed today.
Another contribution, shapes and designs improved pencil von Faber, has not been widely recognized and is referred to the addition of a small eraser on one end. However, in the United States where it has become more an identity and where that idea was eventually patented in the late nineteenth century, but it was recognized at its true discoverer.
Since then the German region of Stein near Nuremberg, has continued to manufacture the best pencils, and then come the reference marks that are used heavily and are a symbol of the highest quality. Names like Faber-Castell, Staedtler and Lyra now account for massive global market for this tool.

According el semanario The Economist, actualmente se producen más de 15.000 millones de lápices anualmente, de los que un 15% son de la firma Faber Castell. La potencia de esta marca se fundamenta tanto en su reconocimiento mundial como una referencia de calidad como en el continuo esfuerzo para lograr pequeñas innovaciones.
Durante los últimos cien años, el fabricante Faber-Castell ha seguido trabajando en logar pequeñas mejoras para ese instrumento. Una de sus aportaciones más recientes es la que se refiere al llamado EcoPencil que se basa en el uso de madera certificada ecologicamente por el Forest Stewardship Council. Para la fabricación del EcoPencil se han puesto en cultivo 10.000 hectáreas de bosque reforestado sobre un terreno brasileño anteriormente estéril. Una iniciativa que aporta a la marca un carácter sostenible y responsable frente a la devastación de recursos que actualmente padecemos. Algo parecido está haciendo más recientemente con el uso para los lápices de barnices y lacas libres de toxinas y biodegradables que se supone hacen más felices a los padres, que observan como sus hijos mantienen esa tradición de roer continuamente sus extremos.
EcoPencil. De Treehugger
Una última innovación curiosa de Faber-Castell the instrument is the addition of rubber dot pattern on its outer casing to make it more ergonomic to help reduce the effects of human sweat sliding on its surface, thereby diminishing the slip by the palm.
As we can see, the pencils have evolved greatly over time and associated innovations have also been an overwhelming simplicity, but so are no less important. It is surprising, for example, that the mere fact of turning the cylindrical shape of its support in a hexagonal prism Lignea was a great advance in general management and conservation. Currently, we also experience with the option triangular as an alternative that may be popular among children to better adapt to their small and rounded hands.

From the above we can deduce that the story of the pencil is indicative of what may be the true role of applied research. As its progressive transformation to the forms and current standards is a continuous narrative of small and simple addition of contributions that are based on simple evidence of ingenuity. One way of continuous improvement that has nothing to do with these complicated paraphernalia that we want to sell and the structures necessary to produce innovation.
Basically, we could infer that the promoters seek public that speech really linked to the famous triad of Research, Development and Innovation, is the creation of new bureaucracies for the more restricted control of scarce collective resources that, therefore, serve as an argument for new administrative privileges .--->


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