Saturday, February 26, 2011

Burst Capillaries On Breast


That night, Miss C., I was dreaming that dream and the dream an inexplicable force required to break the Venetian mirror that was in his bedroom. At the time, within its frame broken sprouted two birds. She had never suspected that within the mirrors could nesting birds. When fluttering away, Miss C. looked beyond the broken glass, fearing that would have been forgotten inside a chick. Was when he saw that from the dark eyes staring at her. He realized that they were his own eyes. Were his own eyes before eyes in which she had lived until that day when the black Raulito had left seeking to find refuge in the body and soul of the girl Chole.

Miss C., sleep, do not hesitate, he jumped into the mirror and joined with itself. He decided he would never leave there. They would always be his eyes.

When woke up, Miss C. I forgot. Soon, however, inexplicably, he felt an unknown force compelled her to break the Venetian mirror that was in his bedroom ...


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