Sunday, January 9, 2011

Home Remedies For Neck Pain

En esta página he agrupado algunos textos que he ido elaborando sobre una cuestión que nos debería preocupar bastante: la relación entre arquitectura, economía y sostenibilidad.
In the field of architecture developed in Spain, called the Technical Building Code has become a nightmare. More an administrative tool, which requires an excessive effort to justify mandatory conditions. Contains glaring errors in relation to the objectives sought to improve construction quality and progress in the sustainability of the technologies applied to buildings.
There are islands that have reached a more reasonable balance to maintain its population. The feature that strikes me of such self-sufficient islands is its diminutive size and small population in relative isolation from the outside. A very significant example in this regard and has had remarkable success in regard to energy independence, transforming a disadvantage in a relatively short period of time, in the case of the Danish island of Sams or located in the North Sea between Jutland and the large island of Zealand on which stands the nation's capital.
In XXI century many regions of the planet will be doomed to face a reduction in size due to the declining population and the huge environmental problems and generated, with the result of strong political and social tensions. In the case of Japan, if the population decline continues at this pace will be a devastation of unpredictable consequences in urban environments and their associated communities.

A proposal arises in a more sustainable goal is to recover the way to practice farming in cities. Urban farms now envision as a way to find space appropriate, and also make an architecture whose function is directly related to the possibility of growing food in dense urban environments, New York, for example.
urban farms 14/11/2009

Economists usually a frustrated strange breed of historians who specialize in explaining the things that happened in the past and could be done differently. Very few of them are capable of doing and try to prospective anticipate an explanation of the phenomena which will lie ahead. Something that under the current circumstances an urgent need. One of those rare specimens is Santiago Niño Becerra, a heterodox economist, published in 2009 tremebundo a book entitled the Great Crash of 2010 .
Each year between December and early January, takes place Western's annual orgy of consumption, which is largely wasted, while other parts are suffering from a reprehensible way and living conditions very difficult. Something that, consciously or unconsciously, is to ignore and therefore does not act accordingly.

is appropriate to disclose some alternativas que nos permitan actuar frente a la gran depresión que se padece y adquirir consciencia de estos problemas que vamos prácticamente a tener que afrontar inevitablemente cuanto antes. Por ello, y dado que nuestros dirigentes y gobernantes parece que no se dan cuenta de ello, es conveniente empezar a intentar resolverlos con medidas que podemos realizar individualmente y que en una pequeña medida contribuyan a atenuar la crisis que define el panorama actual de nuestras vidas.

In 2007, the European media put the issue of immigration in the forefront of public attention. Attracting people from poor countries to the developed regions it was interpreted as the main challenge was to meet the advanced societies like ours. A year later, the question of which is the most viable future alternative to fossil fuels became the center of public debate in newspapers and on television.

A recent estimate published in citypopulation , identified the 65 cities that have exceeded 5 million. Nearly two-thirds are in regions of the world where people suffer from severe shortages of all kinds.

En el año 2006 se logró nuevamente la mayor cosecha de cereales de la historia con 1.600 millones de toneladas. Sin embargo y de nuevo, se ha demostrado insuficiente para cubrir una demanda en expansión acelerada.

Las regiones urbanas avanzadas del mundo, o megaregiones, constituyen la meta final de todos los emigrantes que desean una vida mejor. Y ello por una razón básica, es allí donde se concentran las condiciones para llevar adelante una trayectoria vital llena de facilidades y satisfacciones. Las megaregiones constituyen hoy en día, el imán que atrae recursos económicos, mercancías, personas y todo tipo de ventajas como consecuencia del intercambio inequality which governs international relations.
Reflecting decrease the possibility of cities may seem exotic in a general context of exponential growth of the population . Without however, is something that is happening in some parts of the world as a result of the accelerated reduction of the population.

A momentous event for the future of the Canaries, which occurred in 2007, went almost unnoticed in the community. For the first time, has launched a process to radically change the electricity system of an entire island from a strategy of self-sufficiency.

The island of Tenerife has been suffering in an incremental way a problem of road congestion that comes from excessive dependence on private vehicles for personal transportation of its inhabitants. In this regard, the tram opened in early July 2007 has course before and after the displacement modes in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bSanta Cruz de Tenerife.
Tenerife Tram 02/07/2007


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