Saturday, June 26, 2010

Snooker Tables For Sale


Xavier Roig
Management 2000. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010

I just read this book presents a bleak outlook on the situation of our country. First published in 2008, delves into the reasons for the current crisis, providing numerous anecdotes on this matter through the process experienced in this regard in Catalonia in recent decades.

Seen today amazed at the foresight of its author on the root causes that we find ourselves mired in a dark economic hole. And is that the consequences of the international economic crisis is particularly acute here because of the attitude with which we usually deal with these problems collectively.

The book begins with the presentation of a sentence of former New York mayor, Rudolph Giuliani says:

The first Human Rights should be free not afraid

And is that really to progress should not fear that freedom of expression that allows us to argue and to cooperate with it to advance. Freedom to think, even though some people may feel battered by criticism and reasoning that are dumped. And it seems to me that the author has the general attitude Hence ostracism that disagrees.
Xavier Roig, which is defined as a strongly liberal admirer of organizational practice of Anglo-Saxon societies, begins his book by reflecting on the meaning of the public. Explain evidence, that deep-rooted ideological conception between English society whereby everything that develops the public sector is essentially good for all citizens. Well, as we show, that way of thinking would be one of the fundamental causes of this economic crisis that grips us.
Roig For the dichotomy between public and private that some advocate, in which tasks are performed from the public sphere are essentially positive for the collective development and running of private interests is often imbued with dark and malevolent, is essentially false. Y follows an argumentative approach designed to further the interests of a particular class, that of those who have already embedded within the government.
However, the real problem lies in the national failure to assess whether what is done is done in a really efficient or, conversely, how the organization can be improved. What is considered consistently held since the government is usually good because it represents per se the solution of social needs, without tax or measure the achievement or not the objective.
According to the author the untenable situation that we have reached is based on the landing mass for several decades in the public sector of a false liberalism of right and left, represented by those ex-Communists and trade unionists who staged revolts against university the previous regime, back in the 70's. Collectivist vision of social organization and imposing finished in a subtle way and progressively dominant.
The extreme example of this situation is oppressive colonization of English policy by administrative and bureaucratic vision. Exemplifies this fact a comparison of our national parliament that exist in our environment. While the English Congress of Deputies has more than 70% of members from the public sector, the composition of these bodies is clearly divergent in other surrounding countries. In France only 50% of its members are civil servants and the British House of Commons this proportion decreases to 45%.
There, in the political sphere, representatives of public -que no de los ciudadanos- defienden claramente sus objetivos corporativos y los privilegios adquiridos por encima de cualquier otra consideración. Y todo ello, claramente por encima de los intereses de los que los han votado.
Marcianos. Imagen: Le Toy
Según Roig, han querido convencernos de que las políticas sociales implican más control público…la burocracia que ha surgido de este planteamiento y que pretende pasar por “social”, no es ni mucho menos bienintencionada . Para él, la obligación de crear una sociedad más justa la tenemos todos y los aparatos públicos solo deberían act as resource managers, not all-embracing and exclusive executors of policy.
why collective action in providing products and services should always framed in achieving maximum efficiency. And in this respect, the administrative departments are reluctant spaces to the evaluation of results and the establishment of objectives really measurable and controllable. It is necessary to analyze and measure the results to detect comparatively where tasks are performed with higher quality, lower cost and shorter. Address the need above, the spaces are quite characteristic opacity of the bureaucracy, but the citizens can have tools trial to discern the real needs which are not meeting the goals.
The introduction of concepts such as continuous organizational improvement, increased productivity, the analysis for process improvement, introduction of more efficient production methods, etc. with continuing education are strategies quite rooted in the private sector. A business operators and private practitioners have been left with no choice but to take these efforts to survive in local and international environment increasingly open and competitive.
So many tasks are performed within the administration, inevitably also allocated to public sector enterprises should be more open to the possibility of making ever since the private sector. However, the concept of subsidiarity, which is imposed from the European Union is something that is extremely reluctant bureaucratic caste. When we talk of subsidiarity should be understood that the work be done by those who actually have the best capacity and effectiveness, ie business and private practitioners and in his absence, the body closest to the citizens. On the contrary, the practice of those who hold public authorities is to go gradually grabbing more and more work. And despite the fact that they have already allocated becomes really bad. But it will have a reason for constantly calling for greater provision of resources.
The truth is that here the whole state machinery works to protect and defend their corporate interests above the grand statements. Public sector employees have searched many areas of influence, such as parliaments making them instruments of protection of their interests. Something for the aristocracy in monarchical regimes. Here is a story about Cuba that not real is no longer significant: do Fidel see that we pay and we do see that work .
De acuerdo a lo expresado en el libro, el sistema de estado providencia ineficaz, propugnado en la mayoría de los países europeos meridionales, es un mal común en los despectivamente llamados PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain). Donde el poder efectivo lo detenta una burocracia cada vez más autoprotegida, y que por el contrario se necesita un nuevo escenario en el que los individuos asuman la responsabilidad de sus actos y, en consecuencia, entiendan que también tienen obligaciones colectivas. En el que no exista la creencia de que siempre tenemos derechos para cualquier cosa; que existen servicios para todo, que deben ser ofrecidos por un estado en crecimiento constante con la contrapartida de un control que recorta las individual freedoms and generates very extensive inefficiencies.
For this reason we struggle to impose biases against these trends. Faced with the opacity, lack of evaluation and lack of public, should be advocating the imposition of greater transparency, the search for efficiency in the use of collective resources and the elimination of unnecessary legal obstacles.
Roig presents some extreme examples of this serious and growing state of fossilization of English society. A process of impoverishment that plunges us face increasing competition from those that do have adapted a un entorno crecientemente competitivo. Es el caso de la educación universitaria y el mundo de la cultura. El sistema educativo imperante constituye un monopolio de facto que, además, no funciona adecuadamente. Las universidades españolas padecen el mismo mal que se denuncia respecto al sector público, pero llevado al extremo. El profesorado se identifica con las actitudes funcionariales, parece que colectivamente buscan la unificación por abajo: todos deben ser igual de malos. El proceso de selección universitaria no se deriva del merito sino de la sumisión. Al no incentivarse la competencia no hay estímulos para mejorar, lo que tiene una grave repercusión para las posibilidades de supervivencia nacional.
Following the disaster college, this generation is going to be the first in the history of the country in which there will be less skilled than the last. Their conclusion is devastating on Spain: the public system has been scratched as much power as possible, which controls education and the excuse to turn this Mediterranean society in a disciplined society as the central and northern Europe, has created a society passive scary indeed lazy and without force or momentum will .
We must overcome this Dictatorship of Incompetence to survive. But in my opinion not all that negative. This controversial Catalan also suffers from one of the evils that afflict many of us living in the corners that make up the English state, the complaint infinite. What is certain is that the international situation requires us to radically change attitudes in the handling and disposal of those increasingly squandered public resources so far by a lack of sufficient social responsibility.
is absolutely necessary to contribute to collective self more efficiently distribute assets, reduce jobs even those not necessary for the proper functioning of the public sector. Are doing things that no longer have meaning. And for that is necessary to analyze the functionality and real need for many programs and administrative departments which sometimes do not even know what your mission.
Bureaucracy. Image: Fabricio Brito, Flickr
Margaret Thatcher, the largest international benchmark that has been right in recent decades, said in his political autobiography, Downing Street Years that

State ownership eliminates (or at least radically reduce a) the threat of bankruptcy imposes discipline on privately owned companies. For public companies investments are not just a new request to the public purse; compete for both schools and roads for the same money. As a result of economic decisions are made based on completely different criteria that are primarily a private sector company.
Surprising, no? Well, I think that is going to be right, the argument maintaining full force in a situation like .--->


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