Lo esencial carnavalesco no es ponerse careta, sino quitarse la cara.
Antonio Machado
Antonio Machado
Poco después, agobiado por la máscara, sintiéndose increasingly pulled by invisible strings of a puppet that was beginning to no control, was tempted to find his game. But the deal that the widow relieved it was so sweet and loving that suddenly felt sorry for the three, and pout her and himself, and stood up and said goodbye.
But instead of getting home and took the elevator down to the ground floor, heading for the cafeteria building. He settled in the bar and ordered a wine, then another and then two more. He was there until they closed the bar, alone, trying their luck at a slot machine that emitted a ghostly music, a tune artificial and outer. He was unexpectedly comforted, made the very fallacy and electronic musical device driving, while an invisible hand patting her back friendly, encouraging him: If you become one without ceasing to be you, and never feel alone.
Juan Marse, Bilingual Lover
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