Sabes, amiga, –le dijo la señorita C.- estoy harta de tanta rutina. Esta noche voy a soñar con Brad Pitt o con cualquier otro que se me cruce. Y mañana, cuando me levante me mancharé uno de los vestidos y tiraré a la basura, at least two pairs of shoes. Then I will refuse to eat breakfast. Yes, I have decided. And it is even possible that I smoke a cigarette and ended up burning a quilt.
And then, I'll call Francisco door, the neighbor next door, and when you leave I'll give a kiss of madness that saved me a coughing fit last at least half a minute.
Yes, I will. And besides, I'll give off the staircase window, so that we see Mrs. Patro ...
And then, I'll call Francisco door, the neighbor next door, and when you leave I'll give a kiss of madness that saved me a coughing fit last at least half a minute.
Yes, I will. And besides, I'll give off the staircase window, so that we see Mrs. Patro ...
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