Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Car Sounds Bad In Stereo


Canary Islands to the crisis of our lives
By José Carlos Francisco
Ecopress Communications. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 2010

This is a book that offers to the canaries very intelligent reflection on the point is the development of this society from economic and business perspective. As usual with economistic approaches to use, has a small problem which consists in accepting economic growth as something inevitable to maintain the current condition of progress. However, the important thing is that this text is a serious contribution to the analysis of the current situation and proposing alternatives to address the serious crisis faced in this region.

For this politician and businessman Islands, the growing expansion of global trade is an immutable axiom on which we must raise our options for growth and development. Is the problem that the dimensional view of intellectual specialization contemporáneas, entre las que la economía es una representante paradigmática que se reviste con un cientificismo dudoso. Esa perspectiva se contrapone claramente a la de aquellas otras disciplinas científicas que señalan el proceso de deterioro planetario imparable. Y desde posiciones diversas tratan de evidenciar la insostenibilidad del sistema en la presente situación de esquilmación de los recursos naturales, junto a la extensión de las desigualdades planetarias. Tanto aquella visión economicista preponderante como la que propugna el advenimiento de un holocausto ecológico ofrecen argumentos contrapuestos que pautan en nuestros días el candente debate local sobre las verdaderas posibilidades del desarrollo regional.
José Carlos Francisco is a sui generis canary economist, who is fond of foresight on the future of this region archipelago. Someone who cultivates strategic vision, aiming to find out where it will guide the future of business and thereby determine what are the possibilities of participation of a society as small as they represent the Canary Islands in the uncertain global outlook changes.
face most of the practitioners of the so-called dismal science, those of us who tend to offer explanations about what has already occurred, Francisco started its analysis of the economic situation Canary by describing, first of its interpretation of the recent history of the Canary Islands, to move immediately to describe the national context and expectations of exchange with our surrounding geographical area, the West African shore. This reference to the temporal and geographical context near those events and places that affect us, offers an interpretation of current global conditions, which unfolds this archipelago and thus, get to make a brief reflection on the future. Francisco, brings with it a series of sketches which are the strategies that are essential to address a shift towards a new economic orientation, indicating which our strengths are and what our major current weaknesses. Therefore, those advantages with which we would have irreproductibles as important corsets that we would have self-imposed and on which we could act from within the collective will.

Canary Islands would be something like a big metropolitan area, it has made in recent decades a major effort of internal integration, increasing their interconnections and stimulating trade flows for regional market to achieve a coordinated and cohesive. A geographical area in which they live un algo más de dos millones de personas dispuestos principalmente a lo largo de dos arcos costeros situados en las dos islas centrales de Tenerife y Gran Canaria y que históricamente se ha basado en una economía de exportación, primero de productos agrícolas y, luego directamente, de servicios.
Sobre ese marco, para Francisco, el futuro progreso de Canarias deberá volver a apoyarse indefectiblemente en la industria del ocio y del turismo. Ello por diversas razones derivadas tanto de las condiciones geográficas y naturales como del grado de desarrollo ya alcanzado. El archipiélago es un destino turístico consolidado que ocupa el 14º puesto entre los lugares más visited the planet with 12 million passengers per year. The islands have a mild climate throughout the year, which are unsurpassed by our competitors in the winter season from November to April. Offers a stable and safe environment and service culture similar to that of the advanced countries of Europe. It also notes the advantage of the high quality and diversity of existing tourism infrastructure and have already developed significant experience in this field result of several decades of continuous work.
To improve the business outlook of the tourism industry of the islands proposes the transformation of their nuclei consolidated into a kind of Las Vegas facing Europe. Some clusters of services which offer leisure activities, entertainment and gaming in addition to the customary uses of recreation tied to the bathroom and enjoy the scenery. Exactly about we have to be the European courtyard, or the place where a tourist can have fun while sunbathing and a swim , accessing a new class of more sophisticated entertainment extravaganzas and a supply of Entertainment constant renewal as in the American city of the state of Nevada
New York New York Hotel, Las Vegas

establishes a turning point to this problem in 2003 when adopting the Law on General Guidelines and Tourism Management. In considering a monument to the ambiguity and excess, a text that has sought to establish a coherent framework for control of territory, but unfortunately revealed disproportionate to their number of prescriptions is difficult and enforceable. If we consider that in addition to Law Guidelines were subsequently adopted numerous regulations, orders and new laws that impact on increasing the confusion, the picture is really disappointing. Notes resulted in a perverse economic effect relates con este dificultoso marco legal en el manejo del territorio, el continuado deterioro del índice de nuestra convergencia con España y el resto de la Unión Europea en lo que se refiere al PIB per capita.
En otra línea, es muy interesante la reflexión que le merece la legislación autonómica sobre el territorio. Aquella que se ha ido acumulando en esta región a lo largo de la última década. A interpretar las claves legales del devenir del desarrollo último en Canarias dedica un capítulo titulado significativamente La vorágine legislativa . Allí expone una crítica extendida entre la clase empresarial que no por cierta, deje de ser simplista. Señala que, cuando Canary anywhere poses an entrepreneur start a business, you realize that the chosen territory is regulated by many laws, decrees, binding plans, etc. And they have done so, which are sometimes even contradictory, so it allows you to control another's stopping you. thus clearly reflects one of the most serious problems currently affecting the islands, too much legislation over the territory with a confusing and ambiguous character. Also, in many cases, inconsistent and difficult to interpret by the average citizen.
An offshoot of this effort legal is that the moratorium is related to integrated tourism in the Law of Guidelines and that has paralyzed the desirable process of transformation and renewal of tourism initiatives, detained since 2003 following the transfer of decision-maker process directly to the regional parliament. These new licenses only in certain circumstances can be established very accurately priced at the premium is exclusive to a particular segment of tourism, which corresponds to the so-called exceptional projects, aimed at high-end business and they need to consider compulsory the complement of golf courses, marinas or other complementary services. Few have come to process and approve in seven years and the few that have earned the requisite parliamentary approval have not been able to develop the economy entering a deep recession.
So Francisco stresses the urgent need for the reorganization of the regional legislation of the territory As aptly said, is without doubt one of the most urgent reforms. We must do it ourselves, because we do not about labor reform, which is the responsibility of the state, so it will be a task for the Canaries.
Degree of adaptation to urban municipalities legality canaries. Red, which has adapted to the Law of Guidelines 2003, in orange, adapted to the Planning Act 1999. In gray, the rest.
Also, the analyst influences what is the impact on those problems themselves, officials and politicians regarding the role of government-have on the destinies of the region.
Francisco branded as what happens on this issue as the existence of a regime of mandarins, in reference to existing homonyms officials in Imperial China, in which the actions of officials and politicians feed off for their own benefit, forgetting the necessary social service to which theoretically should pursue. As George Soros has also indicated, in our days, the administrative caste tend to generate their own agendas for the defense of private corporate interests. A drift that is accentuated when the political class located at the top of the pyramid is composed mainly democratic people are linked to the public sphere.
But here a dangerous simplification to establish this comparison as something that happens in all public administrations and staff who serves him. That's not really the case because la capacidad decisoria queda reducida solamente a una élite y el grueso del sector público que integra la educación y la sanidad poco o nada tienen que ver con el manejo económico de la región.
Lo que si sería acertado del apunte es que aquí, en Canarias la hipertrofia legal alimenta una burocracia administrativa excesiva en Ayuntamientos, Cabildos y Consejerías sectoriales que, en consecuencia, representan un impedimento muy importante para una posible transformación positiva de la economía canaria. El espacio que ocupan las administraciones locales y autonómicas ha ido estableciendo una madeja de competencias superpuestas que impiden un normal desenvolvimiento de las empresas y particulares. Administrative authorizations are now a grave slab which discourages a possible recovery in activity and employment.

To correct this serious problem, José Carlos Francisco presents a necessary rationalization of general administrative, those licensing, permits and legal and technical report. Accordingly, proposes a drastic reduction in local government in the island areas and the elimination of overlapping jurisdiction between the different areas that govern the common destinations of citizens canaries. Señala dos problemas que habría que abordar: su excesivo tamaño respecto al conjunto de la economía y la creciente ineficiencia de sus acciones. Se derivaría de ello una necesaria racionalización de la función pública. Sobre todo, en un momento en que las diferencias entre los que pagan los impuestos y los que viven de ellos se han incrementado positivamente para los segundos estableciéndose sangrantes privilegios.
Es más, exige la necesidad de empezar a medir el desempeño de la acción propia de las departamentos administrativos instituyendo objetivos de trabajo y valorando los resultados como única manera de establecer racionalmente la eficacia de los services that supposedly should pay. So, like, the basis of international indicators, is able to establish a diagnosis of two key sectors in the public sector Islands. While health would have a good performance and offers a good quality compared with other regions of the state, education would be an absolute failure. This is an effort should be made and extended to all government, local and regional.
A brave book, beyond the usual complaints and lamentations offers a comprehensive and rigorous framework of alternatives for making a group discussion on the future de esta región. Y lo que es más valioso, en un momento de crisis extrema que se refleja en una cifra de paro que supera el 30% de los activos sin parangón en el resto del estado español.



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