Sunday, December 19, 2010

Instead Of Place Cards At A Wedding, Easel


circular visions of the world. Left, Map of the World in San Isidoro Etymology of Right, Atlas Koreano 1700. Berlin Staatsbibliothek
always hear talk about maps and plans and are not very aware of what may be the difference between them. However, the qualitative distinction is of overwhelming simplicity. The difference between a plane and a map is produced when the surface area that is represented in two-dimensional space agency is limited in order to be able to dispense with the curvature of the earth and drawing can be framed in a simple orthogonal system.

This concise explanation of a highly efficient and I owe a very simple and didactic text entitled Computer Applications the urban project, teachers Alfonso Moya Rafael Temes and Urbanism Department at the School of Architecture at the University of Valencia, which offers a passionate account of these documents we employ both architects.

According Temes and Moya, an essential element of construction is the scale map, the system that somehow related to body size with the territory. Accordingly, while a map attempts to formalize the curvature of the earth on a large scale, the plan accommodates the representation of a fully orthogonal drawing system and more limited scale. The turning point would be located in a range of scales 1:50.000 and 1:25.000 in the that consideration of the sphericity of the planet changes its relevance to the effects of the shape shown. According to this distinction, both could be ascribed respectively to the domains of geography and urban planning.
Since the Paleolithic era to the Internet, different cultures have always needed to build a representation of the world around them, in order to understand the place where one lives, that space that gives them shelter and sustenance. Spatially represent the elements that make up our everyday environment is a task far mainly by geographers, but also town planners and architects who try to explain what is relevant to our performance in the world, using different drawing techniques that relate the human scale to the size of the universe and somehow making a specific account of the places they traveled. As the painters are usually set in a descriptive way of representation, geographers and cartographers have tried to abstract the reality introducing conventions and classify the differences, making dissection and segmentation of the various elements that constitute the mental space that can be the territory.
mapping is a tool of prime importance for our understanding of the world. Representation is drawn to plays that space that surrounds us and is a notary of the spatial organization at a particular time in history. As we express Temes and Moya in their manual:
The history of cartography can be read as a continuous process aimed at achieving a more accurate and faithful representation of reality, and thus a more universal interpretation.
The representation of the world has changed dramatically since those first known approaches from Claudius Ptolemy, who described the world as following Geographia Hellenic scholars of antiquity, and later became drawn by descriptions las escuelas cartográficas del Renacimiento en los llamados Mapa Mundi , la primera imagen conjunta seria del mundo conocido en la cultura del occidente europeo.
La forma esférica de la tierra era algo sabido ya en el pasado remoto de los griegos. Los eruditos, matemáticos, astrónomos y geógrafos que se agruparon en torno a la biblioteca de Alejandría tenían ya una noción aproximada de la misma. Tanto Eratóstenes como su discípulo Hiparco de Nicea aportaron mediciones y técnicas importantes para entender que vivíamos sobre una gran bola. A este último se le atribuye la invención de las líneas de meridianos y paralelos como recurso para establecer una definición geométrica del espacio cartográfico.
Interpretación en proyección cónica del mundo conocido a partir de la Geographia de Ptolomeo
&nbsp; Sin embargo, en Europa con la caída del Imperio Romano y las invasiones bárbaras, que destruirían todo a su paso, se experimentó un retroceso extraordinario en el conocimiento compartido; una vicisitud que duró más de mil años. Las sociedades de aquellos tiempos oscuros prácticamente olvidaron las ideas y experiencias generadas en la antigüedad de Occidente y tuvieron que construirse una nueva representación del mundo que cifraban en un espacio plano alrededor del mar Mediterráneo e integrado por tres superficies terrestres: Europa, África y Asia. La representación circular del mundo conocida como la T dentro de la O definía esta visión simplificada del mundo cuyo centro estaba en la tierra santa de Palestina y su anillo exterior lo conformaba la llamada Mar Océano , un territorio desconocido y proceloso al que solo se aventuraban los más intrépidos.
Curiosamente esta descripción circular del mundo fue también utilizada por los chinos hasta fechas muy recientes. Es algo relacionado lógicamente con la extrema introspección del Reino del Centro, que duró más de tres mil años y a cuyos habitantes no les interesaba mucho lo que ocurría más allá de sus confines.
Portulano del mallorquín Pere Rosell. 1466 &nbsp;
&nbsp; Desde el siglo XIV, los llamados Portulanos –cartas náuticas del mundo conocido, dibujadas directamente a mano sobre pieles- pertenecen a un momento en que algunos marinos avezados intentaron explorar aquella Mar Océana, ese vasto espacio misterioso más allá de las costas de Europa y África, en busca de nuevas aventuras y recompensas. Sobre todo serían los genoveses, catalanes y mallorquines who would develop a mapping technique based on direct measurement and triangulation points of the tours. His interpretation of the world's lead in these beautiful maps that were drawn on animal leather and is included in the rigging of the ships rolled and protected from inclement weather. Portulans information was shared among men in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean kingdoms and cities and provide the first explanation of how the world beyond the Pillars of Hercules . There appear first drawn the islands of Macaronesia, Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands, which are used to represent the flags of nations of the discoverers and conquerors.
The description of the Map, inspired by Ptolemy introduced the projection conical shape of the earth. Would reflect the problem that has accompanied the history of cartography: How to achieve a spherical volume representing on a flat surface. Thus, Ptolemaic world maps accept the convention of projecting the celestial sphere on a cone to approximate center in the north of the planet.
Typus Orbis Terrarum , the image of Abraham Ortelius Atlas inspired by the ideas of Mercator.1570
With the invention of printing appear Flemish cartographer schools whose first and most qualified representatives would Gerardus Mercator and Abraham Ortels disciple. The first cylindrical projection develop a breakthrough very suitable for the representation of the earth's surface would be based on projecting the shape of the earth onto a cylinder tangent to Ecuador. The second would produce unified description of the then known world in his famous geographical Theatrum orbis terrarum published in Antwerp in 1570.
Extract Bretez Paris Plano and Turgot
An interesting descriptive practice is that supposed representations bird's eye view of cities, which have lasted over four hundred years until today. In 1572, an almost contemporary work of Ortels, Braun and Hogenberg published in Cologne would start the first of five albums of his atlas called Civitatis Orbis Terrarum. contain numerous aerial views and city plans several continents-especially in Europe, which would prepare many artists and cartographers as Georg Hoefnagel. Including those of many English cities like Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSantander, Granada and Toledo.
axonometric city description technique is a unique effort that has extended the Atlas of Braun and Hogenberg. For example, the precise level Paris, made in 1739 by Louis and Michel Etienne Turgot Bretez.
Paris Region Ile de France as the Cassini Carte Geomtrique
In the eighteenth century began in some countries, the effort to achieve a systematic representation around the country. This is the case the work of Cesar Francois Cassini and mapping work for the kingdom of France. The call Carte géométrique, 1788 is the first national topographic map, built for the purpose of military control over territory, is a document of the first order to interpret the spatial development of the country. Francisco Pascual Madoz Coello and would make a similar effort nearly a century after its Atlas of Spain and Overseas Possessions . In the complete appears graphic description of the Canary Islands and major agglomerations urban, along with a written description.
Map English protectorate in North Africa. By the Corps of Staff of the Army in 1906.
job in Spain is consistently represent the territory's continued military cartographers first through the Army Geographical Service, and later, in parallel, the National Geographic Institute . In the early nineteenth century the Corps of the Army began the task of building the number of sheets that constitute the Route Map of Spain and since 1939 the National Map as last sheet 1:50.000 series would end in 1986. Something similar has led to the creation of the National Geographic Institute in 1870 with the objective of creating also a comprehensive chart of all the English territory, to provide information relevant geographical and uniform, with links to the cadastral description of the soil in the entire state. The Institute of Geography has finally developed the so-called National Topographic Map at 1:25.000 which is the basic mapping and officially used in the English state.
contemporary representations of the Earth's surface has experienced a shift with the advent of digital technologies. Perhaps, they rely on the conventions and techniques developed over the centuries, but the ease of automated calculation and drawing techniques assisted by computer has put the kibosh on the use of the ancient drawings printed on physical media such as the paper.
map of the city of Puerto del Rosario on the island of Fuerteventura, according to a representation orthophoto. National Geographic Institute. 2010
-called digital terrain models are a new evolution art of cartography offered many new possibilities for better understanding and interpretation of the territories. As defined FJ Doyle, are digital data sets that describe the spatial distribution of territory. From the point coordinates accumulation of soil, these models can set designs, two and three dimensions, to simulate the geographical shape with the help of information technology. And from there, add all kinds of complex data to explain specific features associated with the space required.
cartographic representation supported by maps and plans as is already history and also an exciting episode of that effort of humanity to understand the place we live in the universe, this small irregular ellipsoid of revolution that some have defined scientifically as geoid.


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