Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Liquid Denture Cleaner

Papyrus Parchment

Papyrus (Latin pap ȳ rus , and that the Greek πάπυρος ) is the name given to write support made from a water plant, also known as papyrus, common on the River Nile in Egypt , and in some parts of the Mediterranean the Cyperus papyrus (a marsh grass of family of sedges ).

Etymologically, the word comes from the Greek papyrus πάπυρος papyrus in Latin is papyrus, whose plural is papyri , taken from ancient Egyptian term per-pear , which means "flower of the King" because its development was real monopoly. is also the origin of the word role.

Papyrus as a writing stand

was widely used in the manufacture of various objects of daily use, its main use support the preparation of the manuscript of ancient papyrus called , the forerunner of the modern role. The oldest fragment of papyrus found in the tomb of Hemaka, chaty of Pharaoh Den in necropolis of Saqqara , although they have not endured any signs hieroglyphics written on it.

Its development was monopoly real mess and was highly appreciated by their usefulness, among the peoples of the eastern basin of the Mediterranean for centuries exported rolls high value as described in the story of the trip Let us unite.

The use of papyrus did not start a ser universal hasta la época de Alejandro Magno . Su uso decayó al declinar la antigua cultura egipcia, siendo sustituido como soporte de escritura por el pergamino . Disminuyó en el transcurso del siglo V de nuestra era y desapareció del todo en el siglo XI . La mayoría de las grandes bibliotecas de Europa poseen manuscritos en papiro.

En las imágenes: (arriba) un papiro con textos jeroglíficos ; (abajo) e stuches cilíndricos de metal utilizados para cons ervar rollos de papiro. Museo del Louvre .


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