SUBLIME STUDENTS OF ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE Brain and cognitive science complex. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Charles Correa
I started to exercise the architectural profession for over three decades. It was after spending several years trying to learn this trade in a school of English architecture. At that time professional responsibilities assigned to the architects have allowed them to control knowledge and broad, almost exhaustive, many of the disciplines that are associated with the construction of spaces.
Today the situation has changed a lot and specialties have emerged everywhere urging consideration in the architectural process and thus the allocation of responsibility if not the requirement to fully clear the authority of the architects in the organization, planning and execution of buildings. Many new types have emerged professionals who demand a role in the construction process: Budget management specialists in procurement of works, technical experts in specific building systems, design and calculation of financial viability and organization of the work associated savvy marketing, architecture, etc..
On the other hand, the universe around this specialty has been distilling in the twentieth century, its own mythology, almost a religion with prophets and saints, to which many have devoted our time to understand their motivations and achievements. But we can no longer believe in the heroic way to address the architectural because it has been completely outdated in the complex contemporary world. His teachings are no longer sufficient and those that are propagated or imitated, reflect only their opportunism to keep trying to stand in the wake of those great figures.
People like Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe, Alvar Aalto, Louis Kahn, Buckminster Fuller, along with all this galaxy of stars contemporary mass culture overwhelm us from professional journals, newspapers and television can no longer be the only reference to a possible way to practice the profession. Especially if we consider their contributions and lessons are not close to the everyday reality of the vast majority of architects. These characters promised that impose their standards above any other account and, presumably, are invested with an authority almost demiurgic we no longer adequately illuminate the path we must travel. Today his ideas did not serve us well to meet the challenges that lie is born this century.
Gradually, the role of architects has been constriñéndose the definition of spatial experiences. Little by little (and our own acceptance) the discipline of architecture has been reduced to geometric and formal foreshadowing of these new contemporary spaces that are needed. Some have preached self-discipline and understanding waiving such constructive and structural knowledge, also the willful ignorance on the functional requirements and more complex technology, and finally, the contempt of the administrative, contractual and business performance of the work material
resigned acceptance that we have reduced our work to a professional field of illustration, a kind of image builders for sale of real estate advertising, and even the consecration of new urban icons. Some time ago I talked about the future of architecture as a specialty marketing and over time, even This perspective also reduces gradually as a result of powerful external factors.
Etymologically, the palabra arquitecto proviene del griego arki tekton , el obrero principal o primero, aquel que más sabe sobre la obra que se va a realizar y, por tanto, dirige la construcción. El propio término refleja el carácter profundo de esta antigua profesión, la necesidad de conocer extensamente la forma de construir, ese proceso tecnológico por el cual las formas imaginadas llegan a convertirse en realidad física. Es probablemente ahí en ese conocimiento múltiple que recorre la totalidad del hecho arquitectónico donde se encuentra nuestra máxima fortaleza frente a las visiones parciales de otros profesionales.
Podemos vislumbrar otro fenómeno is affecting us seriously: The biggest change that our profession has experienced in recent decades has to do with the appearance of many schools of architecture in many parts of our country. Consequently, they are out several thousand each year architects are bound to swell the unemployment rolls inevitably. Why? The simple answer is that which concerns the general crisis and the bursting of the housing bubble. I think those are circumstantial reasons that do not reflect the depth of our problems. The main disadvantage is the lack of vision of the future of academic institutions themselves and their leaders. Still massively training the arquitectos para satisfacer una demanda del mercado en la que existe ya una gran saturación de oferta, y como ya he señalado antes consiste en la generación de simples visualizaciones espaciales de edificios.
Por ese camino, las Escuelas de Arquitectura deberían cambiar su nombre ya que a lo que se dedican es al marketing del espacio y los profesionales que titulan son solamente unos delineantes algo más preparados. El manejo de programas 3D, renderizados, y aplicaciones de tratamiento de imágenes es un territorio profesional altamente saturado. La proliferación de programas de dibujo y representación ha obnubilado a los que se forman y a sus tutores, haciéndoles olvidar donde está la realidad productiva y la dirección de los procesos relacionados con la construcción y la economía del sector.
Deberíamos exigir que los centros de enseñanza cambien radicalmente, para que formen sobre lo que realmente se necesita y con ello no generar más ineficiencia. Recuperando en primer lugar las especialidades que son parte integral de nuestra profesión: constructivas, estructurales, de diseño y cálculo de instalaciones, presupuestarias, legales, etc. La certificación energética de la edificación y las estrategias para la rehabilitación y reforma de espacios existentes son nichos que están surgiendo y a los que no les prestamos la atención que merecen. Es precisa una perspectiva transversal incorporating the actions of many different specialists. Because that's where we're really good, we tend to overcome the narrow views and we are able to coordinate the participation of heterogeneous agents and disciplines.
What is more, we need to incorporate a holistic view of real estate, understand and manage the process intensively promote buildings and business aspects. Architectural managers are needed, a specialty that some call Project management in its meaning Anglo-Saxon a variant that has to do with the economy works, its time scale and how as concerted action by the various specialists involved in their achievement.
architectural The Project management is a very powerful alternative to recover the professional leadership and it should be taught, in an extensive and comprehensive as possible, the economic and management components that involves running real estate promotions and buildings.
Currently in the world of architecture few people spend their time thinking about how production is organized efficiently the project itself and of the work, few professionals trying to streamline processes and coordinate the involvement of various experts that it is legally necessary to include the definition and execution of works. Who really knows what they mean techniques such as Gantt chart, Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and critical path management? Not knowing does not know IInterna Rate of Return (IRR) of our work. Obviously others are those who care, those who are acquiring authority and the knowledge that historically had the architects in these matters and, on the contrary, we are losing gradually.
Among those engaged in the architecture, learn about these issues is a private, voluntary efforts, which is access to sources of knowledge in an irregular and unstructured. Unfortunately, for years, learns with difficulty and with significant gaps on issues such as accounting and what it means, for example, a feasibility plan for long-term financing of the planned investment in the work. Not to point out other management strategies more dense and complex.
There are also many business opportunities and career are not addressed adequately in the Schools of Architecture. For example, advice concerning urban and interaction with public authorities on the ground. Urban planning as envisaged in conventional academic centers has been completely overtaken by reality. The teaching of this area should be transformed radically, incorporating the legal perspective and learning the associated administrative processes.
However, others also are developing and acquiring better skills to tackle these demands. This is the case of lawyers and geógrafos. Es el caso de una nueva apuesta que ya se ha concretado en las universidades canarias, como Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio y ha iniciado su andadura académica. Una disciplina que ha surgido en desarrollo del proceso de Bolonia, orientado a la unificación europea y la especialización de las enseñanzas universitarias. Su objetivo es la asunción de una campo novedoso que tiene que ver con la planificación espacial de amplío espectro y que, por ello, amenaza directamente a una de las competencias clásicas de los arquitectos en el estado español, el urbanismo.
El ingeniero de la construcción, es una nueva variante de la ingeniería que también trata de establecerse and that is an extension to the work of previous architects surveyors and technicians. A specialty that aims to take full control in the execution of works. However, the English architects according to our traditional training and are in fact responsible for this task that we must not give up, because it has been legally established. School of Architecture should incorporate this name because it is something that is taught there and is equivalent to what is done in the European environment.
A similar process of change is also happening with the management of such networks and their associated mechanisms. Sin que casi hayamos sido conscientes, Internet se ha constituido en un inmenso espacio para la formación de grupos de todo tipo. Colectivos muy centrados en cuestiones muy específicas que pueden organizarse con miembros situados en distintos lugares del planeta y pudiendo trabajar coordinadamente. Hoy en día, hacer un proyecto de arquitectura se puede gestionar en un lugar, elaborar en otro y realizar en un tercero con la mayor facilidad que nos ofrecen esos múltiples instrumentos. Por poner un ejemplo, he pensado sobre estas reflexiones durante algunas reuniones de trabajo para otras cuestiones, lo he escrito parcialmente en mi casa y en un hotel y finalmente, lo he colgado en la red mientras espero a un avión que me lleva de vuelta a casa. Los programas and tools require constant learning and continuous updating to keep the train of the future. That has to do with the appearance of brand new possibilities not yet fully envision.
Finally, a few ideas which may serve to provide some feasible paths for specialization and concentration on the competitive advantages that as professionals we can sell and that future generations should strive to learn.
If we maintain that holistic vision horizontal knowledge of the relationship between all the issues that affect a building and its surrounding material, and even influence, of truth and beyond, in the formalization of our cities, we need to recover and improve the skills to coordinate and direct a very large number of experts from varied disciplines.
most important thing is to understand that access to work is a matter of perceived competence and reliability for our future customers. One who is better prepared to respond and meet the new challenges that society demands eventually acquiring the field.
So I encourage the students wonderful profession to require mentors to teach them what is really needed and not what they falsely assume that is the essence of the profession. Already said the great teacher of Catalan architects, José Antonio Coderch , for over half a century " are not geniuses we need ".--->