Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Erotic Message To Send


lamas solution for the correction of sunlight in the Hospital de Dolores . Federico García Barba y Cristina González Vázquez, architects. La Laguna, Tenerife. 2005
A new regulation that affects the shape of the buildings and, especially, the conditions construction and associated technical facilities required has started officially in Spain for some time. This is called the Technical Building Code, together with all documents that develop, a new reference is mandatory for all professionals working in the field of architecture.


A major administrative effort that is expanding year by year program whose goal was, in principle, improve the conditions in which it develops the practice of building on this country and that however, is actually a major obstacle to developing a real quality architecture to contain numerous misconceptions. English Technical Code is a collection of standards that prevail in some misconceptions about the many approaches to sustainability and unjustified. As a whole, represents a bureaucratic conception of the profession and will bring long-term a progressive loss of the quality of what is to be improved theoretically.
In the field of architecture and engineering related facilities, Technical Building Code has become a nightmare. An administrative tool rather than requiring an excessive effort to justify mandatory conditions. Contains glaring errors in relation to the objectives sought to improve construction quality and progress in the sustainability of the technologies applied to buildings.
live in an age that progresses to a massive destruction of vital resources, where the destruction caused by an environmental predatory civilization is to slow or halt with tools that do nothing but further complicate the difficult situation that we suffer. It seems like we're doomed inexorably to meet that second law of thermodynamics saying that in any isolated system the entropy tends to increase over time. Considering the entropy in generic terms as the tendency to chaos and futility, it is clear that our actions sometimes dramatically accelerate this process.
could almost associate this with the continuing social and media reference to compliance with the Kyoto Protocol and the necessary reduction of greenhouse gases. About empty propaganda slogans that are continually in the mouths of politicians, academics and professionals and those involved enormous resources that are merely in the marketing of the declarations that tend to produce opposite effect to what is intended. Should require greater prudence in the disposition of instruments are not scientifically verified in a manner sufficient to be faced in achieving these noble objectives.

beneficial effect of the action of moisture from the clouds in the Northern climate of the island of Tenerife. Graphic: Francisco Ferrer, University of La Laguna
Another of those elements of distortion is the movement that is grouped under the banner of sustainability in architecture and transforming factor and progress. A collective effort that is leading to technical aberrations to be led by those who have no adequate knowledge. This is an area in which many claims of truth efforts have emerged to eventually create a huge confusion by not being sufficiently supported scientifically. The presence here clearly spelled economic interests is also having disastrous consequences. As an example of this can occur countless nominally materials and sustainable solutions clearly do not match those objectives to defend, and which are supported strongly by the interests of industry and plant construction.
Residential construction is a sector that consumes lots of resources and has inserted the provision of a large amount of energy. Both the production of materials needed, such as transportation and disposal of buildings is a very high energy consumption. Something that also occurs with the renovation and reconstruction which is sometimes done for purely speculative and has nothing to do with the real durability of buildings. This is a paragraph that represents a substantial part of incremental waste of natural resources on which we are immersed.
But another big part of this waste, which is related to the energy consumption is directly related to poor design and employment of all kinds of misconceptions in the design of the architecture, both constructive and aesthetic as merely low-quality technical solutions to buildings. Lately, they have returned to defend the so-called passive strategies in the design phase of work aimed at reducing energy consumption and guaranteeing adequate environmental comfort conditions. It is what some call bioclimatic architecture, in a confusing adjectives at least
passive strategies in architectural design has a fundamental role analysis and understanding of three elements that make up the climate comfort places in relation to people: the sunlight, relative humidity and temperature. These factors are essential in shaping the climate of the territories and which have very important differences between different regions of the world and in the course of the seasons.
constructive forms that address the correction of sunlight and protection from other severe weather are, so to speak, a repertoire of formal devices that have historically distinct architectural responses from some places and others. They provide a range of resources about aesthetic, contemporary use of which has just led to countless imitative de aberraciones constructivas y a problemas de climatización forzada casi insolubles en algunos casos. Es lo que ocurre, por ejemplo, con el empleo de fachadas acristaladas en muro cortina, sin protección solar en los climas tropicales.

Solución errónea y optima para el posicionamiento de los edificios respecto al sol en invierno y verano en la zona de Miami. Esquema realizado por Victor Olgvay para Arquitectura y Clima
Determinados autores han estudiado este problema proponiendo soluciones que tienen una influencia decisiva en la forma de las edificaciones y la arquitectura. Un precedente ha sido el esfuerzo del norteamericano Victor Olgyay , whose book Architecture and Climate of 1963 is an essential reference for understanding the scope of the issues that profoundly affect the architecture. In that text, Olgvay proposed the establishment of a thermal comfort internal theoretical values \u200b\u200bcombined a series of atmospheric elements that influence the definition of an adequate framework for buildings. Among them, the latitude of the place and how that occurs the related direct sunlight, the daily average temperature during the different months and seasons, with relative humidity and the action of prevailing winds. All these factors define, according to the author desirable comfort perimeter located between 21 and 25 degrees Celsius and humidity between 10 and 80%, adjusted and improved ventilation and the action of the winds.
schemes in Architecture and Climate are also contributing ideas to combat the problems arising from excessive solar penetration with simple solutions that you can increase the shadow areas on the facades and roofs of the building. Also raised the possibility of using the charitable of trees and vegetation, and the study of the convenient location of the buildings in relation to existing topography in places. It provided a simple and practical criteria to improve the quality of the indoor environment. Finally, the review of available solutions for intelligent and insulation gaps would also counteract the effects of low temperatures and extreme continental climates. Some indications that some might immediately associate with the wisdom and strategies that have traditionally used the anonymous builders of vernacular architecture.

The modeling of the environmental comfort zone architecture. Victor Olgvay, 1963
More recently proposed of Olgyay been realized in a way that deepens their scientific approach, using so-called welfare climograms. One of these diagrams has no doubt fortune is what has been called Climograma of Givoni (named after its creator Givoni Baruch Israeli architect). This tool analyzes the quality of climatic comfort according to the same conditions that Olgyay, but setting some areas of possible improvement of environmental quality. In Climograma of Givoni, made for each particular location, you can determine which times of the year in which you can enhance indoor environmental quality by using only passive elements as shading and ventilation. This, according to specific cards where the deployment of specific monthly representation known temperature and humidity in relation to the estimated comfort zone.

Climograma of Givoni applied to the specific climatic situation of Alcala de Henares. Source: Esther Higueras
This is one of the more elaborate techniques for the determination of appropriate thermal solutions for buildings, which relies on the determination of the particular climatic conditions of a geographic area. The construction diagram Givoni part of the design of the interface with the established comfort zone of humidity and average temperatures along the different months of the year and, from there, the definition of areas where improvements need to be acquired by different techniques, from natural ventilation to the use of specific machinery, and finally last.
By contrast, the English government has not taken into account at all these criteria and experiences in the demand for measures for the thermal control and comfort inside the building. Olgyay experience and Givoni has been ignored despite es una técnica avalada y contrastada internacionalmente. Un recurso técnico que ha sido adoptado como patrón de referencia incluso por la American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (Asociación Americana de Ingenieros de Climatización).
La investigación sobre la forma en relación a las mejores condiciones de aprovechamiento térmico del soleamiento en una localización concreta. Sede del Ayuntamiento de Londres. Foster Ass.
En 2006, el Ministerio de Vivienda español presenta el Documento Básico de Ahorro de Energía (DB-HE), en desarrollo del Código Técnico de la Edificación , por el que se trataba de hacer más sostenible la edificación en este país y así tratar de cumplir los compromisos contraídos en relación al Protocolo de Kyoto. Un objetivo loable para racionalizar el uso de la energía y su consumo relacionado con la construcción.Posteriormente, ha adquirido vigencia también el denominado Procedimiento de Certificación Energética de los Edificios y el Reglamento de Instalaciones Térmicas en los Edificios , ambos promulgados por el Ministerio de Industria. De su lectura parecería que este latter body would promote technical solutions that have air-conditioning equipment used in any case, unnecessarily increasing energy consumption.
The problem is that all these documents are based on mandatory legal requirement is a common misconception that is the consideration of temperature alone as a measure of indoor environmental quality of buildings. Probably, writers uncritically transcribed schemes and criteria from the experience in the northern parts of Europe, where cold is very important factor. However, in the southern Mediterranean and Atlantic el problema del soleamiento es la cuestión esencial.
En este caso, una maraña legal y de dudosa validez científica está contribuyendo a establecer mayor complejidad en la redacción de los proyectos de arquitectura. Con ello se está obligando a incluir cálculos innecesarios y equivocados como parte obligatoria de la documentación exigible. Con toda probabilidad, el Código Técnico y sus Documentos Básicos van a producir, en muchos casos, el efecto opuesto a sus objetivos programáticos: una generación de edificios de peor calidad técnica y estética.--->


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