Monday, July 12, 2010

Bushnell Trophy Problems


Faustus. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1653
In an era of vast oceans of information and the constant arrival of new data from the huge rivers that represent the media, adequate capacity to manage this flow number is especially significant. In the particular case of local government, the ongoing management and intelligent these flows can be, probably, the basic foundation for an efficient policy supported by the knowledge set of places.


collect and store large amounts of spatial data is not an easy task given the enormous flood that hangs today on the receivers. It is very important for the establishment of a common comparative structure connected with the territory and from it, achieve packet segmentation feasible in rational analysis. A appropriate metaphor for understanding this form of splitting the constant flow of information is the onion skin, a set of layers that are superimposed gradually to form a complex and heavy volume of material information. Each layer is added on the site what geographers would be defined as a map themed. And the first essential is the mapping layer.

The collection of large masses of spatial information requires organization and structure in the time it is not easy to develop. You must have a clear idea about the objectives and the formal criteria to be built with layers data, the coherent organization is essential for good governance. The problem is that these days the possibilities are endless, and also the list of disciplines and actors who want to contribute to this analysis is very varied, ranging from geography and urban planning, through engineering, law, biology, economics , etc.
At a time which calls for greater citizen participation, efficient organization of this information territorialized is a critical tool for managing the collective life of societies. By contrast, political action in the municipalities and areas is extremely fragile when there is no consistent and structured information, which depends on access to data, reliable and organized to allow easily describe the specific characteristics of each site.
Segmentation by thematic layers that allow the existing Geographic Information Systems
In a few decades, there has been a way of studying the territory into watertight compartments to a very dense integration the work done since coming disciplines. The role of cartography has been instrumental in this process of consolidation of information. And next to her the contribution of geographers has greatly improved the understanding of the spatial.
Building a digital mapping in our day goes by generating a three dimensional representation of the territory. Therefore, the digital terrain model as a basic tool should be developed and be provided in 2 and 3 dimensions simultaneously, in application of the technologies available drawing.
A digital map-oriented public administration should include a set minimum elements that describe the essential components of a territory. Among them, the topographic in places, the components of the geology and natural vegetation, provision of farm buildings and urban infrastructure and local networks, etc.
three-dimensional digital map of the island of Tenerife. Cartographic Canaria, 2005
At a second level of accuracy is essential cartographic description of the elements that formalize the development and building. The precise interpretation of urban road networks and buildings on the land parcel located in the inhabited areas, cities and towns, is a base can be essential to undertake a proper town planning. In the Canaries, the task mapping has taken the company public, Cartographic de Canarias (GRAFCAN) has imposed stringent methodological bases for the construction map and thus, they are allowing a generation, exploitation and efficient development of the rich information associated.
On these bases digital representation of the territory is beginning to build dense universes of data from the most varied face approaches. The associated databases a la cartografía se establecen a partir de la formalización de un entramado continuo de piezas identificables que permita la asociación de etiquetas y, en consecuencia, la asignación univoca de referencias. Una cuestión esencial es la construcción de ese mosaico territorial digital de una manera muy precisa, ya que sin esta herramienta sería muy difícil verter una información localizada fidedigna. Aquí adquiere un papel central el análisis catastral del suelo.
El parcelario catastral refleja la historia de segmentación del suelo a lo largo de los siglos y establece un continuo de piezas superficiales que es la aplicación continuada de técnicas y criterios tradicionales en el reparto del territorio. La determinación de la forma y la estructura de la propiedad del suelo es un factor esencial para el desarrollo de ulteriores análisis y aportaciones. La averiguación de los límites geométricos precisos del parcelario urbano y rústico es un instrumento muy potente para el conocimiento de la realidad territorial.
En España, la inexistencia de unas bases cartográficas unificadas para el conjunto del estado, junto al trabajo excluyente de los pioneros en el análisis y determinación del catastro territorial, están contribuyendo a una ineficiencia muy importante en el trabajo de identificación del mosaico digital del espacio geográfico. El primer organismo interesado en conocer the scope of the geometry of land ownership has been the Treasury, with the obvious aim of building a tax system on the ground. To do this, some countries tend to do extensive work mapping and study of reality parcel on the basis of that specific interest. And because of which, is having an increasingly negative invoice inconsistency with other approaches and territorial databases.
mosaic representation plot in the city of Tacoma. SigPac
A recent and most accurate approach along these lines is the one offering the body recorders English property. After centuries in which their ancestors, notaries, have described the only land ownership identification from oral and written, these public officials have also decided to graphically specify the scope of transactions that monitor and certify. The task of drawing the soil property on map databases from data provided by the documents resulting from transactions on the ground, will be in the future a definitive tool. Avoid the usual questions to identify and will clarify many transactions which are based on the available land.
A notable example of this process, led by some registrars of property as Oscar Vazquez, currently underway in all the Canary Islands. For something less than a decade, has been formalizing a set cadastral mapping to successive transactions on the floor. All this from the data provided in the writings identifying the purchase and sale and oral information obtained directly owners and reflected on the approved maps of the archipelago.
A third layer is essential for digital administration of the territory is that provided by the planning, work planning heir urbanística y que se suele confundir con ella. La ordenación territorial debe actuar partiendo tanto de las bases cartográficas como de la información catastral más precisa, para lograr establecer una correcta asignación de usos y aprovechamientos admisibles sobre el territorio.
La ordenación urbanística y del territorio se basa en la segmentación precisa del espacio entre aquellas superficies que pertenecen a la colectividad y aquellas otras que son de titularidad esencialmente privada. Esta parte de la ordenación del espacio se construye a partir de la definición de las alineaciones, esas líneas geométricas que definen la frontera entre lo público y lo privado a los efectos de la soil management.
The management is planning, among other things, the need to define an efficient access structure, the extent of streets and roads in the urban. Therefore, it is an adjectival component very precisely how different societies view life in common. When looking at urban forms throughout history we see that the evolution of societies towards more complex forms of organization affects the gradual increase of public space.
The urban planning and territorial government is a convention that represents a major public effort para establecer una infraestructura tutelar que permita la intervención ordenada de los particulares sobre el espacio. Es a partir de una estructuración y coordinación ajustada de todos los elementos descritos anteriormente cuando se logra disponer de una buena herramienta de gobierno político de las entidades administrativas que conforman el espacio geográfico (municipios, islas, provincias y regiones en el caso español).
Análisis geográfico del carácter biótico de las superficies de la isla de La Palma. Proyecto de la fundación Reserva Biosfera de La Palma, 2009
Una adecuada administración planning is a technical resource that characterizes advanced societies and regions as it allows best use of increasingly scarce land. It also provides a rational arbitration between conflicting interests in the use of space. Of efficient and accurate implementation dependent economy of the territories and therefore its character as a strategic instrument of government.
Clearly, the natural temptation for companies to disorder affects the constant extension of opaque and poorly justified fields which are the source of all kinds of corrupt administrative planning. The only safeguard these self-destructive processes that expand greater social and economic inefficiency is the public accountability, along with the rationale of the decisions that support the allocation of land uses and the limited private land use can be assigned.
An effect that is of concern to architects and planners of this process is the growing insensitivity on good urban form. An attitude that, through ignorance, it expands in the world related to the handling of digital data over the territory. The architecture here has evolved into a marginal. As a result, urban space resents the inconsistency and vulgarity of the shape of the buildings. This is due to the ineluctable logic connected to the marginalization experienced by all non-monetized artistic choices clearly. This is a sequel that follows the extensive energies to be spent on other more immediate issues. Among them, channel and examine the steady flow of spatial data that pointed to the top.
Someone put it well: In a time of massive availability of physical things waste generated waste and excess noise occurs information. And in this case, as regards the management of cities and territory, the noise also is keeping us constantly to discern what the issues essential and should be undertaking.>


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