Friday, July 30, 2010

Homemade Double Boiler

analytical and expressive representation of a Boseto

Pliers Definition of

small steel pliers with bent arms and tips square or truncated cone shape, and is used to grab and hold objects giblets or twisting wires, thin badges or the like.

Source: Royal English Academy.

History of pliers

was invented in Europe around the year 2,000 BC to take heat, mainly the iron that was forged on an anvil. Between más antiguas ilustraciones de alicates figuran las del dios griego Hefesto en su herrería.

Los diferentes tipos de alicate que surgieron a medida que se inventaron los diferentes objetos donde utilizarlos: herraduras, cerrojos, cables, tubos, componentes eléctricos y electrónicos. Debido a la multitud de posibles objetos y manejos, la variedad de alicates en nuestros días excede, con toda probabilidad, la de cualquier otro tipo de herramienta manual, aunque su diseño básico ha cambiado muy poco desde sus orígenes. el nombre alicate salio de una civilicacion india, alicates es el nombre de un pajaro muy exotico en esa region. los antiguos indios utilizaban a esas aves para cortar mecates y poder hacer sus herramientas y demas utencilios.

Elegí esta herramienta por su simplicidad en forma, ésto hace que la comprension de los conceptos a aprender se facilite y uno, como alumno, se familiarize rápidamente con la materia en cuestion.

Tecnica representacion expresiva: Lápiz acuarelables.

Superfície: Papel bond, tamaño 1/8.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forgiveness Poem For My Best Friend

Pliers of "Misery"

Boseto the sculpture named "Misery" by Ernesto Concha (1874 - 1911). It was sculpted in marble in 1910.

Technique: graphite on bond paper.

Surface: letter size.

Tesco Bread Maker Instructions

Abstraction " Misery "

Technique: watercolor pencil.
Surface: double-sided paper, size 1 / 8.

What Kind Of Oil Does My Scooter Use

Back to figurative

Technique: Graphite.
Surface: double-sided paper, size 1 / 8.

How To Survive Ovarian Cancer

Humor Exquisite Corpse

Es una pena que nadie este "ni ahi" con un daño medioambiental tan grande como un derrame de petroleo al mar...

Técnica: pintura digital.

Wood Bullnose Corner Blocks


¿Y que chucha es un alebrije?, le pregunte. Ella apuntó a la mesa contestando: "esa cosa de ahi". Gire mi cabeza para observar una especie de caballo con alas o algo así, poco me importaba. Deje escapar un suspiro, con un dejo de apatía dejamdo entrever que mi atención aun se centraba en el asunto pendiente que habíamos estado evitando durante horas. 15 minutos pasaron en completo silencio, ella con la mirada clavada en el piso, y yo hipnotizado with Dante and deformed faces formed on the wooden ceiling. Forces met, clear my throat and say your name to start the dreaded conversation. "We need to talk" I said, she only nodded slightly. "Look, I've had problems lately, but I do not think they are enough to get away from this way." She fixed his eyes directly into mine, with a look of sadness and anger, ready to take the start the sentence that would end the whole affair. "Do not hate, if you had doubts," he said softly, suppressing its obvious urge to scream in my face. "You have not done anything terrible, you have not committed any mistake, you have not done anything ... but just can not stand you. I get bored and annoying me and I have no idea why. "That said, got up from his chair, going to the door. For a moment he paused, as if to say something else but did not. Azoto the door behind him, and the sound echoed in my head for a long time. But that birthday shit, I'm the only alebrije. But what the fuck is a alebrije?

Story by Felipe Contreras.

Illustration by Alvaro Rojas.
Illustration: Digital Painting.

Can My Laptop Output 5.1 Hdmi Receiver


La lista de Schindler (detalle) - grafito y lápiz blanco.
(dibujo de Carlos Miranda - exposición DIBUJOS DE CINE)

Indiana Jones y Marion (detalle) - Colored pencils and watercolors.
(drawing by Carlos Miranda - DRAWINGS exposure FILM)
detail 2

"Fresh." Shark - graphite
(drawing by Carlos Miranda - exposure DRAWINGS FILM)

Queen Anne Sofa Covers


10 to July 30, 2010. The Art Gallery
Sinks, S / C de Tenerife (rear of the Hotel Mencey) room hours: 11:00 h to 13:00 h and 18:00 h to 21:00 h

The work exposed was released in the closing concert tribute to the music of John Williams for the films of Spielberg, Auditorio de Tenerife. The pictures were projected on the screen, accompanying the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra in his excellent musical performance under the baton of the festival director Diego Navarro.
John Williams has signed scores of the biggest blockbusters of Hollywood: "Indiana Jones", "Jurassic Park", "Jaws" or "ET the Extra-Terrestrial" are some examples. In addition to his impeccable resume we add the saga of "Star Wars" (The Wars) directed by George Lucas and many others memorable pieces as "Superman" and "Harry Potter."
The exhibition consists of 23 pieces that illustrate moments of all these film titles. They are made in different techniques (acrylic, oil, watercolor and graphite), by which visitors can see up close and that includes the original official festival lineup this year, a box of 160 x 90 cms. done in mixed media and has been the festival's promotional image on websites and posters.
This exhibition is sponsored by the Agency for Culture Hon. City Hall S / C de Tenerife, occurring in the framework of activities promoted to the FIMUCITÉ 4 (Festival of Music de Cine de Tenerife).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Baby Diaper Change On Pool Table

This illustration is a chaotic and illogical representation la realidad de cuatro objetos elegidos al azár. En éste caso los objetos son: un zapato, un ñandú, un reloj y un borde costero.
La ilustración esta hecha en base a un sentido abstracto de algunos objetos y la interacción entre éstos, a tal punto de lograr una fusion entre ellos sin que se pierda el sentido de cada uno.

Técnica: Grafito y lápiz color.

Superfície: Papel bond, tamaño carta.

How Much Does It Cost To Put In A Weave


Ésta ilustracióm fue realizada tomando el sentido simbólico de cada uno de los objetos del ejercicio "Cadaver exquisito" y fusionandolos para formar an image.

The symbolic meaning for the shoe and water (found in the coastal area) is that of femininity. The clock is expressed as the cyclic forms of matter and the symbolism of the rhea was taken from the Mapuche culture, for which he is the lightning and storms.

Technique: drawing pen, graphite and color pencil.

Surface: bond paper, letter size.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Colleen Cler Modeling Agency

Users in a Japanese capsule hotel. Image: Avy Abrams, Flickr

Determine which is the minimum floor space has been a recurring issue in recent years in relation to the necessary transformation of the production set of social housing. In this case, the focus of the discussion is often directed at issues of space and the space needed. While the problems related to infrastructure and network connections usually being relegated to the background is symptomatic of overly formal orientation of the current architecture to the image that is not I usually pay close attention to the provision of services and the building needed.


In the first decades of the twentieth century saw an intense debate on this question: what would be the minimum necessary space for the family room. The so-called minimum existenz was an inspiring occasion of International Congresses of Modern Architecture, which took place in Frankfurt in 1929 sponsored by Ernst May.
The Marxist-inspired social discourse about the needs of the working classes had something to see this interest of the architects on the determination of minimum housing suitable for the development of family life. An interesting feature of these approaches derives was thinking about the city and mass residential architecture that gave rise to certain heroic episodes in the history of the discipline in countries like Holland and Germany.
As a result of those discussions emerged the concept of minimal house that inspired the work of analysis on housing typological series Alexander Klein, published in 1930 as praktische Beiträge zur Wissenschaft als Wohnungsfrage (on housing issues practical science) and subsequently collected in his essay Minimum Housing 1906-1957 (published in Spain by Gustavo Pili in 1980). There was evaluated in depth the problem of existential surfaces necessary for the working family residence and that effort has led to a very specific case mix of social housing. In our country had a political impact, and even legislation, from the mid-60's with the establishment of surface interval called social housing and, beyond, the administrative requirements for the public production of housing.
A legal framework has resulted in a coercive environment that does not adapt adequately to changes experienced by new forms of family life. Space requirements call social housing standards has continued maintaining surface and minimal spaces serving ideal for a family composed of father, mother and several children, which could be the usual model in 1950 but now does not respond at all to a sociological reality altogether.
A-House. Bahman Reiner and François d'Allegret. 1965
The evolution of the concept of minimum floor space has had several temporary breaks throughout the twentieth century to achieve an extreme formulation in the 60 and 70. A example of these concerns reflect what the British critic Reiner Banham when presenting the concept of environmental bubble as a viable alternative to minimum housing requirements. Its sectional image of the A-House presented him naked with his friend François D'Allegret in air-conditioned environment formed by a transparent membrane and inflatable, with a few core elements of communication. Banham environmental bubble is ideally situated at any place represented by a rock undetermined.
This was a concept supported by a technology called ultra intended to open a field of debate that went beyond the question technique to spur an aesthetic transformation of inhabited environment. The strategy of those British architects of the 60's, as the Archigram group would aim to act in these cases, as true provocateurs in order to produce a renewal at all aesthetics of architecture. An effort to bear fruit years later in his countrymen's work as Norman Foster and Richard Rogers. The Pompidou Center in Paris would give certificate of naturalization to this view of the latest technological cutting edge architecture.
floor of the Tower Unit Nagakin. Kisho Kurokawa. Tokyo, 1972
emerged in the 50's also an interesting panel discussion on what should be the strategies to accommodate the population in densely populated areas. The movement called itself Metabolism and developed mainly in Japan. His approach was based on the imitation of natural forms in his accommodation to the boundary environmental conditions and application of advanced technologies to ensure the best response built and fit into the service network. Inspiration in the structures and organic forms led them to put a special emphasis on the provision of technical infrastructure as a factor inevitably pattern composition de la arquitectura.
Uno de los ejemplos más significativos del movimiento de Arquitectura Metabolista es la Torre Nagakin, terminada en 1972 por Kisho Kurokawa en el barrio de Ginza en Tokio. Desgraciadamente, parece que está a punto de desaparecer como consecuencia de la falta de mantenimiento técnico y constructivo y su sustitución por otro edificio que intensifique el denso proceso especulativo de esta parte de la ciudad japonesa.
El complejo Nagakin consiste en la agrupación flexible de un conjunto de capsulas habitables unipersonales que permitían el acomodo vital en unas condiciones espaciales y de servicios mínimas. Sería the final expression of those ideas and technology related to minimun existenz the much-discussed in the international world of architecture from a century ago.

plant distribution of a Capsule Hotel in Tokyo.
drift is interesting and curious of this search is the minimum space posed by Japanese capsule hotels ". A supervening social necessity, which in turn led to the choice to return home late for the office of the central districts of Japan's capital, gave rise to a niche business that constituted a form of spatial organization is now also another tourist attraction.
The typological arrangement of capsule hotels, inspired by the precedent of Nagakin Torre, is usually organized by bedroom units arranged in overlapping stalls along narrow corridors with common areas cleaning and storage . Another feature of these buildings is the provision of a highly sophisticated living environment which provides access to digital telecommunications and sophisticated visual entertainment.
The Japanese capsule hotel is adapted to an environment of extraordinary density and soaring real estate costs. In the extreme competition for space seems to be back to the formation of a matrix very similar environment to the uterus and offers intellectual nourishment.

Interior floor unit of the capsule hotel. Photo: Tyas, Flickr
A final proposal, perhaps more futurist and therefore can be an exciting advance, is what has been called the terminal architecture. It is an idea that the British journalist Martin Pawley suggested in 1998, his last and posthumous book of the same title, Terminal Architecture. They described a future of environmental machines allowed reconfiguration of the environment at the user's personal. The provision of an area protected by a foil-a way of Banham A-House-offer its residents a recreation of any visual space, landscape or architecture using holographic projectors. The terminal and imagined architectural imagination to each user connect to the world in an intangible.
Pawley argued that any new architecture suffers from a major conceptual error. Design efforts are directed overwhelmingly to the formal definition, would objetual of buildings, just at a time that strategy has exhausted sense and is not in the interests of both social and economy. Meanwhile, the architects are working on providing incoherently architecture with an identifiable image, which is leading to a cacophonous urban environments filled with buildings that express disparate styles and confusing.
However, the appearance of buildings is a matter that is ceasing to be relevant in an age of mass distribution of digital information. The monumental design of the architecture only makes sense at this time, in brand brings big business or included in the tourism industry of the competing cities. The great mass of architecture contemporánea no va a poseer una significación cultural, en cuanto su papel fundamental va a ser funcional ante todo, por su condición de espacio final de enlace con las redes eléctricas y de telecomunicaciones.
De hecho el anonimato y el camuflaje se han convertido ya en las tácticas esenciales para el desarrollo de la arquitectura ligada a las empresas transnacionales. Hoy en día, la amenaza del terrorismo ha espoleado la búsqueda de la seguridad a través de la localización de las infraestructuras básicas en espacios anodinos y no identificables. Los centros de datos de los que he hablado en otra ocasión, son piezas esenciales del sistema de distribución en red de la información y this architecture does not have a brilliant narrative correlation: large ships almost hidden structures, business parks located insubstantial, close to major road networks and telematic communication.

data center the company Google at Groningen University in the Netherlands. Photo: Erwin Boogert, Flickr
significant examples in this respect as some already pointed Pawley in his book: The building for the headquarters of Exxon Company in Dallas, a team work Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum, 1996 is completely unknown project because the company demanded total anonymity. En ese caso se impidió radicalmente la publicación de sus características espaciales en la prensa especializada, o simplemente la difusión de imágenes sobre su aspecto exterior. O el caso de la empresa Lufthansa que cuenta con oficinas públicas en todas las principales ciudades alemanas y algunas otras en el resto del mundo pero que, sin embargo, el centro donde se produce la actividad económica principal, es decir su central de reservas, se realiza en un edificio desconocido en un polígono industrial impersonal en la región irlandesa de Galway.
Debido a este fenómeno también, la arquitectura popular de nuestro tiempo, aquella relacionada con la producción de vivienda contemporánea, recurre a la estrategia de la representación de pasados históricos soñados e idealizados. Lo importante no es ya el continente sino la calidad de su conexión con las redes de servicios y, principalmente, con el acceso a las telecomunicaciones.
Deberíamos de dejar de pensar en la arquitectura como un reclamo publicitario y pasar a interesarnos más en cuales son sus funcionalidades esenciales y, por ello, en la importancia de la disposición de las redes de infraestructuras que lo conectan con el territorio circundante y con el mundo en general. Se debe incidir no solo en la forma en que llegan y salen el agua y los productos físicos que consumimos, sino también en toda intangible commodity that depends on power and quality information.

Nagakin Torre in the Ginza district in Tokyo. Kisho Kurokawa, 1972>

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quotes About Antisocial


realistic illustration of a platypus being manipulated scientifically.

Technique: Graphite.
Surface: Bond Paper 10 x 15 cms.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bushnell Trophy Problems


Faustus. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1653
In an era of vast oceans of information and the constant arrival of new data from the huge rivers that represent the media, adequate capacity to manage this flow number is especially significant. In the particular case of local government, the ongoing management and intelligent these flows can be, probably, the basic foundation for an efficient policy supported by the knowledge set of places.


collect and store large amounts of spatial data is not an easy task given the enormous flood that hangs today on the receivers. It is very important for the establishment of a common comparative structure connected with the territory and from it, achieve packet segmentation feasible in rational analysis. A appropriate metaphor for understanding this form of splitting the constant flow of information is the onion skin, a set of layers that are superimposed gradually to form a complex and heavy volume of material information. Each layer is added on the site what geographers would be defined as a map themed. And the first essential is the mapping layer.

The collection of large masses of spatial information requires organization and structure in the time it is not easy to develop. You must have a clear idea about the objectives and the formal criteria to be built with layers data, the coherent organization is essential for good governance. The problem is that these days the possibilities are endless, and also the list of disciplines and actors who want to contribute to this analysis is very varied, ranging from geography and urban planning, through engineering, law, biology, economics , etc.
At a time which calls for greater citizen participation, efficient organization of this information territorialized is a critical tool for managing the collective life of societies. By contrast, political action in the municipalities and areas is extremely fragile when there is no consistent and structured information, which depends on access to data, reliable and organized to allow easily describe the specific characteristics of each site.
Segmentation by thematic layers that allow the existing Geographic Information Systems
In a few decades, there has been a way of studying the territory into watertight compartments to a very dense integration the work done since coming disciplines. The role of cartography has been instrumental in this process of consolidation of information. And next to her the contribution of geographers has greatly improved the understanding of the spatial.
Building a digital mapping in our day goes by generating a three dimensional representation of the territory. Therefore, the digital terrain model as a basic tool should be developed and be provided in 2 and 3 dimensions simultaneously, in application of the technologies available drawing.
A digital map-oriented public administration should include a set minimum elements that describe the essential components of a territory. Among them, the topographic in places, the components of the geology and natural vegetation, provision of farm buildings and urban infrastructure and local networks, etc.
three-dimensional digital map of the island of Tenerife. Cartographic Canaria, 2005
At a second level of accuracy is essential cartographic description of the elements that formalize the development and building. The precise interpretation of urban road networks and buildings on the land parcel located in the inhabited areas, cities and towns, is a base can be essential to undertake a proper town planning. In the Canaries, the task mapping has taken the company public, Cartographic de Canarias (GRAFCAN) has imposed stringent methodological bases for the construction map and thus, they are allowing a generation, exploitation and efficient development of the rich information associated.
On these bases digital representation of the territory is beginning to build dense universes of data from the most varied face approaches. The associated databases a la cartografía se establecen a partir de la formalización de un entramado continuo de piezas identificables que permita la asociación de etiquetas y, en consecuencia, la asignación univoca de referencias. Una cuestión esencial es la construcción de ese mosaico territorial digital de una manera muy precisa, ya que sin esta herramienta sería muy difícil verter una información localizada fidedigna. Aquí adquiere un papel central el análisis catastral del suelo.
El parcelario catastral refleja la historia de segmentación del suelo a lo largo de los siglos y establece un continuo de piezas superficiales que es la aplicación continuada de técnicas y criterios tradicionales en el reparto del territorio. La determinación de la forma y la estructura de la propiedad del suelo es un factor esencial para el desarrollo de ulteriores análisis y aportaciones. La averiguación de los límites geométricos precisos del parcelario urbano y rústico es un instrumento muy potente para el conocimiento de la realidad territorial.
En España, la inexistencia de unas bases cartográficas unificadas para el conjunto del estado, junto al trabajo excluyente de los pioneros en el análisis y determinación del catastro territorial, están contribuyendo a una ineficiencia muy importante en el trabajo de identificación del mosaico digital del espacio geográfico. El primer organismo interesado en conocer the scope of the geometry of land ownership has been the Treasury, with the obvious aim of building a tax system on the ground. To do this, some countries tend to do extensive work mapping and study of reality parcel on the basis of that specific interest. And because of which, is having an increasingly negative invoice inconsistency with other approaches and territorial databases.
mosaic representation plot in the city of Tacoma. SigPac
A recent and most accurate approach along these lines is the one offering the body recorders English property. After centuries in which their ancestors, notaries, have described the only land ownership identification from oral and written, these public officials have also decided to graphically specify the scope of transactions that monitor and certify. The task of drawing the soil property on map databases from data provided by the documents resulting from transactions on the ground, will be in the future a definitive tool. Avoid the usual questions to identify and will clarify many transactions which are based on the available land.
A notable example of this process, led by some registrars of property as Oscar Vazquez, currently underway in all the Canary Islands. For something less than a decade, has been formalizing a set cadastral mapping to successive transactions on the floor. All this from the data provided in the writings identifying the purchase and sale and oral information obtained directly owners and reflected on the approved maps of the archipelago.
A third layer is essential for digital administration of the territory is that provided by the planning, work planning heir urbanística y que se suele confundir con ella. La ordenación territorial debe actuar partiendo tanto de las bases cartográficas como de la información catastral más precisa, para lograr establecer una correcta asignación de usos y aprovechamientos admisibles sobre el territorio.
La ordenación urbanística y del territorio se basa en la segmentación precisa del espacio entre aquellas superficies que pertenecen a la colectividad y aquellas otras que son de titularidad esencialmente privada. Esta parte de la ordenación del espacio se construye a partir de la definición de las alineaciones, esas líneas geométricas que definen la frontera entre lo público y lo privado a los efectos de la soil management.
The management is planning, among other things, the need to define an efficient access structure, the extent of streets and roads in the urban. Therefore, it is an adjectival component very precisely how different societies view life in common. When looking at urban forms throughout history we see that the evolution of societies towards more complex forms of organization affects the gradual increase of public space.
The urban planning and territorial government is a convention that represents a major public effort para establecer una infraestructura tutelar que permita la intervención ordenada de los particulares sobre el espacio. Es a partir de una estructuración y coordinación ajustada de todos los elementos descritos anteriormente cuando se logra disponer de una buena herramienta de gobierno político de las entidades administrativas que conforman el espacio geográfico (municipios, islas, provincias y regiones en el caso español).
Análisis geográfico del carácter biótico de las superficies de la isla de La Palma. Proyecto de la fundación Reserva Biosfera de La Palma, 2009
Una adecuada administración planning is a technical resource that characterizes advanced societies and regions as it allows best use of increasingly scarce land. It also provides a rational arbitration between conflicting interests in the use of space. Of efficient and accurate implementation dependent economy of the territories and therefore its character as a strategic instrument of government.
Clearly, the natural temptation for companies to disorder affects the constant extension of opaque and poorly justified fields which are the source of all kinds of corrupt administrative planning. The only safeguard these self-destructive processes that expand greater social and economic inefficiency is the public accountability, along with the rationale of the decisions that support the allocation of land uses and the limited private land use can be assigned.
An effect that is of concern to architects and planners of this process is the growing insensitivity on good urban form. An attitude that, through ignorance, it expands in the world related to the handling of digital data over the territory. The architecture here has evolved into a marginal. As a result, urban space resents the inconsistency and vulgarity of the shape of the buildings. This is due to the ineluctable logic connected to the marginalization experienced by all non-monetized artistic choices clearly. This is a sequel that follows the extensive energies to be spent on other more immediate issues. Among them, channel and examine the steady flow of spatial data that pointed to the top.
Someone put it well: In a time of massive availability of physical things waste generated waste and excess noise occurs information. And in this case, as regards the management of cities and territory, the noise also is keeping us constantly to discern what the issues essential and should be undertaking.>

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stimach Probelms And Pins Needles

Digital Illustration. 2010.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What Does Va Loaneligible Up To 36000 Mean


Teens in a wind turbine on the Danish island of Sams

In recent years, one of my obsessions repeated is to imagine societies as fragile as the island can survive in the near future of increasingly scarce resources.

Some islands have exceeded carrying capacity exceeded their population. This is the situation of the Canary Islands where I live. With two million inhabitants and 7,500 km2, the archipelago Canaries can not survive for quite some time limited to its theoretical resources, both natural and primary. It would take 4.5 archipelagos.

These islands have clearly become a kind of urbanized region in the middle of the ocean which bases its survival on the attractiveness of a privileged climate, the supply of specialized services and the export of certain goods on a smaller scale . Consequently, it has radically left local food production destined to live here, that fail to meet the needs or one-twentieth of what would be required. In a hypothetical situation of catastrophe involving a radical restriction of supplies, some have estimated at only about ten days, the time it would take to begin to starve.
The system constantly reinforces prevailing economic imbalances such suicide in much of the world. Referring to the international context, is seen as parts of the world are struggling to make the most of raw materials, manufactured goods, services, etc. while other places, most of the available territory, are counted with a decreasing availability of essential elements for life, water, food, etc..
In an extreme case, this ruthless race to the geographic concentration of population in poor parts of the world could lead us to an extreme situation where the entire population was located in several regions of the globe very densely populated and not involve more than one-thousandth of the soil emerged, while the remaining areas of land and oceans is the supply of these exclusive spaces.
Naturally, this process is based on several feet of mud that we are not aware of a comprehensive manner. And the prevailing relations system itself is hiding or lightening. One such functional base is now in a situation radicalmente precaria, debido a la desaparición paulatina de sus fuentes de origen tradicionales, es la disponibilidad de energía barata y abundante que permita el fácil y rápido desplazamiento masivo de bienes y personas.
Volviendo a las islas y sus sociedades, algunas podrían haber asumido sin mayor vacilación ese tipo de estrategia altamente depredadora como ocurre con Singapur en el sudeste asiático. Una ciudad estado cuyos habitantes trabajan esforzadamente para sacar el máximo partido de esta forma despiadada e incontrolada de estructuración del mundo contemporáneo. Singapur ofrece los productos y servicios más avanzados para mantener una población de 4,5 millones inhabitants in an area of \u200b\u200b700 km2 (similar to the small island of La Gomera). There is high population density, 6,400 inhabitants per km2 and at the same time, the index measures the absurdity of society's economic success, the per capita GDP reaches nearly $ 40,000.
This city-state requires an extensive hinterland in order to survive. That is, applies and is based on the essential characteristic of urbanization: the concentration of increasingly dense populations in locations with accessibility, technology, and infrastructure management services, implies the provision of a large territory associated with the provision of all kinds of resources to ensure operation. In the case of Singapore, its strategic location allows you to first take advantage of trade with all countries around the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea , Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc.
Other islands, however, have reached a more reasonable balance to maintain its population. This is the case of Tikopia , a Micronesian island of which I have spoken several times here in this space. The feature that strikes me of such self-sufficient islands is its diminutive size and small population in relative isolation from the outside.
Recently I discovered another very significant example in this regard has been remarkably successful in regard to energy self-sufficiency, become a disadvantage in a relatively short period of time. This is the case of the Danish island of Sams , located in the North Sea between Jutland and the large island of Zealand in which lies the capital, Copenhagen.
Islander network connecting its electric car

Denmark is a country que se caracteriza por el alto espíritu cooperativo de sus habitantes. Gracias a ello han podido construir un estado de bienestar altamente competitivo y eficiente que es la envidia de muchas naciones. Fruto de esta forma especial de puesta en común de los recursos y la ayuda mutua generalizada es su inmejorable economía que supera claramente la de Singapur con una producción global de 311.000 millones de dólares y un PIB per capita de 57.000 $.
La isla de SamsØ es también un pequeño territorio en medio de la nada, con 112 km2 y 4.500 habitantes, dependiente administrativamente de la ciudad de Aarhus y dedicada tradicionalmente al cultivo de cereales, fresas y ganadería de baja intensidad. Un lugar como many others in northern Europe, where the existence passes peacefully.
But Sams really interesting is that in 1997 the inhabitants decided to collectively transform the island into a free space consumption of fossil fuels without emitting greenhouse gases. His decision had indicated themselves as an essentially selfish, total energy independence and fuel for their daily operational needs were free at least. For a time these islanders reflected on this issue by organizing seminars on wind power and other forms of energy supply, leading subsequently to the formation of cooperative groups.
Finally, they decided, among other strategies, build an independent system of energy supply. To do so, also established that the ownership of the energy system out of all the people who inhabit the island and had decided to become self-sufficient. The resulting organization is a public company but a partnership led by local government.
The system is based on the provision of a central wind power located in the coastal platform consists of 10 wind turbines 77 meters high lined in the sea near the island. They have added a junior on the ground. The cost of the operation involved the initial outlay of 28 million € uros then, at a rate of just over 2 million for each item at the sea and an average payout of € 15,000 per participant. The financing of the acquisition was funded with support from the Danish state.
Today, a dozen years later, the situation is that the infrastructure has been implemented and are in a stable economic proportion. According to statements of the residents have seen a radical transformation, and in 1990 was imported all the energy consumed on the island in 2001 and had achieved a balance in regard to emissions and in 2003 was achieved total energy independence from the island to be a net exporter to the mainland since then. In eight years the investment had been recovered and today, residents removed Sams and direct economic benefits of local production of wind and solar energy. In 2009 each person attached to the project received a dividend of 400 € uros, according to Jesper Jens, Aarhus journalist.
addition, samsigers (name you recognize these islanders themselves) have begun to adapt their homes to take advantage of the low energy offering solar climate of Denmark, where the sun actually appears in summer and light is constant only from May until late August. In many homes have installed solar panels to produce hot water. And for heating that is needed to combat the low temperatures of winter, using biomass burns a combination of wood and dried grass accumulated in summer. Farmers have become engines adapted to the use of rapeseed oil, vegetable products grown locally. Also used an alternative fuel for agricultural machinery and tractors.
Another significant fact is that one in four people does not believe in the project and continue to receive electricity from the grid or producing the energy they need home-based diesel. However, most have decided to improve the thermal insulation of their homes and contribute to local production of electricity, managed and financed by the community, adhering to all the supply globally and independently organized group.
It follows from this that it is possible that the inhabitants of an island can be any community organizations to solve one of the most pressing issues in our time, energy. They rely on an NGO to manage the acquisition and suministro eléctrico denominada SEA ( Samso Energy Agency ) al margen de grandes empresas energéticas y compañías transnacionales.
Su objetivo principal es estimular una aproximación desde abajo a la gestión de la energía. Se plantean aumentar la eficiencia a través de la instalación de dispositivos que aprovechen las posibles fuentes renovables locales y ofrecer la experiencia acopiada a nivel regional. SEA es miembro de INRES una organización europea que promueve la investigación en energías renovables en la cual participa el Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias. En INRES se apoya también la experiencia de la central hidroéolica de la isla Iron Canary that I mentioned and as an example on another occasion.
The thorn that remains unresolved in the overall goal of complete self-sufficiency Sams, the island in the wind is referred to transport people and goods. Although many use bicycles and walk, the ferry vehicle access and some local users continue to consume oil or, in some cases, biodiesel made from vegetable oil produced in the island itself. Recently, they have tried to make small electric vehicles with which the eventual elimination of emissions.
Project for a small development of passive solar houses on the island of Sams. Arkitema
samsingers Today, they are very proud of their experience and think about the exchange of experiences towards a more sustainable planning as something positive for their own place and the rest of the world. In fact, this small enclave has become a kind of pilgrimage site for those who want to watch live and live those characters who have managed to solve the energy production in a more efficient and less harmful to the environment. Have brought with it a kind of low-intensity tourism.
The Danish island of Samso has shown that in a relatively short period, a decade low, you can transform an unfavorable energy situation in a completely self .--->